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Koja Kitchen

Koja Kitchen

Koreanisches Restaurant und Japanisches Restaurant$$$$
Berryessa, San José
Symbol für Tipps und Bewertungen12 Tipps und Bewertungen
  • lebhaft
  • trendy
  • locker
  • familienfreundlich
  • pommes frites
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  • Mye S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Mye SantosJuly 29, 2016
    first time here and we had poke salad, umami fries and korean chicken wings. they were so good! will try other items from the menu next time.
  • Lanae B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Lanae BrownieJanuar 15, 2016
    It's a bit pricey, but the food is pretty great. I had the braised pork koja. The pork was a little less flavorful than I thought it would be. The kamikaze fries are really good!
  • Tim D.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Tim DengAugust 11, 2017
    One of my favorite fusion places! The pulled pork koja is amazing and umami fries are the best
  • Al B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Al B.Januar 27, 2016
    First time coming here? Get the Short Rib Koja. What are you waiting for, get to it!
  • Caroline D.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Caroline DengJanuar 16, 2016
    Korean fusion restaurant. Kamikaze fries are a must and be prepared for a long wait.
  • Kyle F.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Kyle FowlerJanuar 10, 2016
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    As amazing as the food truck. Best things on the menu: short rib koja and the kamikaze fries.
  • Kyle F.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Kyle FowlerJanuar 10, 2016
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    The line on Sundays for lunch is a bit insane. Be prepared. Plenty of TVs to watch while you wait.
  • Flora M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Flora MorrowDezember 28, 2015
    Short ribs are a must!!! And the bowls are a good deal.
  • Zaki M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Zaki ManianFebruar 3, 2016
    The ahi tuna and chicken 🍜 were awesome
  • Annie W.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Annie WangMärz 7, 2016
    This is Korean not Japanese. Correction needs to be made on Foursquare.
  • Stanley K.
    Stanley KroschenkoJanuar 27, 2016
    Ahi Tuna bowl is delicious here!
  • Andrea S.
    Andrea S.Januar 20, 2017
    Portions are not as big as they look
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