1. Rain Or Shine

3382 Cambie St (18th Ave), Vancouver, BC
Eisdiele · Riley Park · 12 Tipps und Bewertungen

Sharon F.Sharon Fung: Seasonal flavours all the time!

Sushi Mura is one of BC.

2. Sushi Mura

6485 Oak St (at W 49th Ave), Vancouver, BC
Sushi-Bar · Kerrisdale · 12 Tipps und Bewertungen

Sharon F.Sharon Fung: Sushi Volcano is a must get!

Juniper is one of BC.

3. Juniper

185 Keefer St (Main Street), Vancouver, BC
Restaurant · Downtown Vancouver · 15 Tipps und Bewertungen

4. Lukes General Store

49 W Hastings St (btwn Abbott & Carrall), Vancouver, BC
Coffee Shop · Gastown · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen

Sharon F.Sharon Fung: Amazing place for coffee. Head upstairs for some shopping