Unsere Kochlehrerin Gift war eine super lustige Person, mit der wir eine Menge Spaß hatten 😊 Sie hat immer einen lustigen Spruch parat und man merkt, wie viel Freude sie an ihrer Arbeit hat!🍴
My favorite experience in CM. The class is a small group of 10 and it is nearly impossible to screw up the meals. They all tasted amazing and I’m so glad I chose Thai Farm.
A wonderful setting and a really informative cooking course. We made 6 dishes but we weren’t rushed. Kah, our chef, was fantastic, and her English was faultless.
Great experience, you learn about the ingrediens from the food you are about to make, as most of it they grow on the farm. Nice to be cooking outside in these surroundings, and the food is amazing.