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Shipe Park

Park und Schwimmbad
Hyde Park, Austin
Symbol für Tipps und Bewertungen8 Tipps und Bewertungen
  • playscapes
  • basketball courts
  • swings
  • tennis courts
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  • Vor kurzem
  • Adam S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Adam StallmanMärz 22, 2015
    Very neat well maintained oasis in the middle of Hyde Park. Quite a few amenities. The swimming pool will soon be getting a much needed make over. Look for it. Parking is limited to the streets.
    Positive Bewertung1Negative Bewertung
  • Josh M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Josh MillerJuly 15, 2015
    The basketball court gets crowded on summer evenings. The pool is nice and has a lot of families. There are sometimes some dudes lighting up near the bathrooms though.
    Positive Bewertung1Negative Bewertung
  • Travis S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Travis SmithMärz 18, 2017
    Great shaded park with multiple swing sets, playscape, basketball court, tennis court, and pool.
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • SkipAroundTownHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    SkipAroundTownAugust 15, 2014
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    Nice free public pool. Open everyday during the summer months. Kiddy pool nearby as well.
    Positive Bewertung1Negative Bewertung
  • Drew V.
    Drew VelasquezJuni 26, 2016
    Really nice. Park. Been coming here since i was a kid. Now i bring my kids :)
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • Austin American-Statesman
    This Hyde Park neighborhood playscape is intricate, busy and fun. An excellent community gathering spot for parents and kids.
    Positive Bewertung1Negative Bewertung
  • Oleg L.
    Oleg LopatinDezember 23, 2020
    Basketball with no hoops
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • Huey F.
    Huey FreemanMai 19, 2013
    Wallace is such an amazing dog! Go Labor Crew
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
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