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One Little Room

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Coffee Shop, Geschäft für Nachspeisen und Bäckerei$$$$
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  • Vor kurzem
  • Teresa
    TeresaJuni 7, 2016
    Amazing little cafe that offers specialty coffee. Best one so far in the neighbourhood. Good for to go & stay in. Limited seats, avoid the weekends, as it's quite packed.
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • j C.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    j ClemmieFebruar 20, 2016
    A cozy and heart warming place to be #偽文青 🙈 but the latte and waffle are really good!😋
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • sillygingerbeerHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    sillygingerbeerFebruar 25, 2017
    Their ice-drip comes in a little flask and aperitif glass. On the sour side in the aftertaste
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • DeN d.
    DeN dEnJuly 26, 2015
    The cafe is small and not many table so they called us when there's empty table. Its a little bit slow so pls order as early as possible if waffle is your dessert. The food is OK.The waffle isn't warm
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • Candy K.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Candy KokNovember 18, 2015
    A cute little coffee shop. Try their smoked salmon fajita
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • H S.
    H SoApril 12, 2015
    extremely slow service. waited for a table for half an hr and another half for coffee, then food.
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
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