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Mount Bonnell

Symbol für Tipps und Bewertungen6 Tipps und Bewertungen
  • scenic views
  • river
  • short
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  • Vor kurzem
  • Jennifer R.
    Jennifer RuizAugust 3, 2018
    Really easy hike to get to the top. Amazing views but go at sunrise or sunset for something even more beautiful. Best of all - free!
    Positive Bewertung14Negative Bewertung
  • Renee I.
    Renee IsbyOktober 29, 2017
    Beautiful views. Be prepared to walk the steps! Great workout 😁. More crowded on Sundays I've noticed. I wouldn't take my dog on the crowded times.
    Positive Bewertung12Negative Bewertung
    vor 5 Tagen positiv bewertet
  • Sarah H.
    Sarah HibbardNovember 5, 2018
    The highest point in Austin is a surprisingly easy hike. If you are feeling adventurous this is a short drive from downtown, and has a spectacular view of the Colorado River!
    Positive Bewertung10Negative Bewertung
  • Khoa T.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Khoa TruongSeptember 4, 2017
    Beautiful view. Keep a tight leash on pets and kids (don't want to lose them to the mountain.) Not wheelchair accessible.
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • Aaron C.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Aaron CollinsAugust 18, 2020
    Mount Bonnell at 1.7 miles to the west of Smiles of Austin
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • Tyeshia B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Tyeshia BarnesFebruar 2, 2020
    Beautiful views!
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
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