Variety of tastes, really nice offer. One of the few restaurants with really good Kids' menu, not just offering junk food (fried meat, chips etc.) for kids. Indoor and outdoor settings are both great
Good food, very tasty. Personal is very friendly, perhaps too much for this kind of place. Incredibly expensive, portions are so small they are barely enough to feed a 2 year old.
Ja ne znam da li je bolja hrana, ambijent ili usluga. Odavno me restoran nije oduševio na ovom nivou. Jedna od najboljih usluga koje sam ikada doživela, pogotovu u Beogradu. Jela preukusna, cene super
The food is good, but the portions are as small as my faith in humanity. The waitress will change your plates 4 times to put there a micro piece of a dish