
City of Calistoga

Symbol für Tipps und Bewertungen6 Tipps und Bewertungen
  • parades
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  • Adam S.
    Adam ShieldsAugust 17, 2011
    Schon mehr als 50 Mal hier gewesen
    If you're in Calistoga, definitely look up Jericho Canyon Vineyards. They're a secret treasure. Most beautiful property in the valley, for sure.
    Positive Bewertung5Negative Bewertung
  • Danica S.
    Danica SattuiApril 19, 2012
    Schon mehr als 25 Mal hier gewesen
    The parades here are amazing! My fave is the tractor parade first week in Dec!
    Positive Bewertung5Negative Bewertung
  • Claude H.
    Claude HarrisonNovember 6, 2018
    Just take. Stroll down Lincoln Avenue. You can shop, eat, drink enough over 3 blocks to take up an afternoon.
    Positive Bewertung2Negative Bewertung
  • Visit Napa Valley
    Visit Napa ValleyNovember 3, 2011
    Fun Wine Fact! Number of vineyard acres in Napa County 45,158 (out of a total of 485,120 acres in the entire county)—only 9% of total land area.
    Positive Bewertung3Negative Bewertung
  • Angelica F.
    Angelica FrancoDezember 15, 2011
    Best bud baths, Indian Springs. Love that place and have been going there for years.
    Positive Bewertung1Negative Bewertung
  • Hillary H.
    Hillary HandwergerOktober 14, 2013
    Calistoga inn is great for lunch.
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
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