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Avon Lake Dog Park

Avon Lake
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  • Vor kurzem
  • Kimberlie A.
    Just started coming to the park. Have met some great people with friendly well behaved dogs..and some others who should be banned from coming there.. I will stick it out because my girl likes it!!
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • Cathie K.
    Cathie KingOktober 30, 2016
    A park with great people. Jumped on by 2 dogs.I decided to leave, no one controlling dogs. My dog hurt by two dogs, If your dog does not obey you they should not be there.
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • Jessica
    JessicaOktober 29, 2013
    People are too judgemental. I brought my toy fox terrier and my pit bull and when people saw the pit they freaked out and left. She's a sweet dog and loves to play with other dogs. Won't be returning.
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • Tina N.
    Tina Norris JonesApril 7, 2013
    Would be nice if it was bigger and had doggie fountains to drink water and a doggie wadding pool
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • Dave W.
    Dave WJuly 7, 2010
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    Te dog park is ok but my dog prefers to run in the woods and fields and swim in the creek at Weiss Field
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
  • Karen W.
    Karen WanousJanuar 5, 2012
    Don't come here unless ground is frozen or very dry! Total mudpit!
    Positive BewertungNegative Bewertung
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