A former private garden during the Ming dynasty, this green oasis is now a prime spot for people-watching, with couples practicing the fox-trot and elderly women belting out Chinese opera.
This park a FormerPrivateGarden during TheMingDinasty. TheGreenOasis is now a prime spot for people watching or spend their time for playing-relax or enjoy FamilyTime. We love watch their activities
Fun to walk around and experience the Chinese culture by listening to people making music just for fun (and watching people watching the show in pyjamas).
Created by the French in 1909, the luxurious Fuxing park is pleasant to enjoy a walk, watch Chinese people playing Mahjong under the shadow of trees, dancing, or practicing tai chi.
And we also love an activity of olds people enjoy together their time with their lovely friend... How it make us touched our feel.. What a wonderful friendship...
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