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- Star Mall Makes You Fly!从2015年1月开始,每月都有大奖等你来抽,只要在星摩尔消费满200元(电子、电器消费满500元),就可以到服务台填写抽奖卡1张哦。乐宾百货消费享有双倍抽奖机会。偷偷告诉你1月份的大奖是去香港旅游!
- 星摩尔 | Star MallFebruar 5, 2015Spend RMB200 in Feb,2015 get a chance to win a South Korea holiday, RMB 1000 valued cash voucher, Shangri La Hotel Dinner Voucher and more...
- Dont miss the Chinese New Year in Star Mall.. CNY Market and beautiful shows waiting for you.. 春节活动开始了,来玩吧。
- we here everyday, where are you all? Starmall welcomes you all with his international brands and many good restaurants with delicious foods...
- H&M最新活动又要开始啦!即日起,H&M季中折扣火热开始。低至5折,所有门店同步进行! 与此同时,急需下装的小伙伴们有福咯。不管是童装还是男、女装,牛仔裤购一条,即享第二件五折优惠! 欢迎至H&M星摩尔店选购!
- 星摩尔 | Star MallFebruar 5, 2015OPPO Indoor basketball tournament at Star Mall start on Feb 7,2015 Saturday at 10:00am (indoor basketball court is next to Sport Master Shop at 2F)
- Gap中秋优惠:活动一,减价商品再7折活动时间:9月5日-9月8日活动二,在试衣间试穿任意一条牛仔裤,享整单中的正价产品(除logo产品)75折.活动时间:9月4日-9月10日
- The 4th Skateboarding Game. 2014/08/23 14:00 - 17:00 @ Star Mall
- Citroen DS 5 Car Show!Aug 9-10. Star Mall 1F.
- Dinosaur Exhibition will last to Jan 11, 2015. 星摩尔恐龙展将持续到2015/01/11.
- Starmall sen bizim herşeyimizsin heheheh
- istinyepark in uc kati buyuklugunde daha tam faaliyete gecmemis bir avm