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The Scarborough Hospital - Birchmount Campus

Krankenhaus und Notaufnahme
L'Amoreaux, Scarborough
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  • Vor kurzem
  • Landra S.
    Landra SOktober 23, 2013
    Treat the nurses like gold, it'll get you treated much better and much faster. These peeps deal with EVERYTHING so give them some slack
  • Nicole C.
    Nicole CharlesMai 27, 2011
    The guy nurses in emergency are a lot friendlier than the ladies. Also, the nurses on the upper levels should be watched like a hawk if u have loved ones staying there!
  • Matthew H.
    Matthew HuieFebruar 5, 2017
    Remember to bring loonies for wheelchair rentals.
  • Prateek G.
    Prateek GeorgeAugust 26, 2011
    Closest Tim Hortons around
  • Michael C.
    Michael ChienJuly 16, 2010
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    Don't be a jerk by giving the nurses a hard time.
  • samira k.
    samira khanJuni 8, 2013
    I'd say the worst hospital to date. Better to go to trillium from Markham to go here! Shit shit shit
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