Samantha Bulka

Samantha Bulka


Spring Hill, Tennessee
  • 2 Tipps
  • 11 Anhänger
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Listen von Samantha in Alle Städte
  • Los Angeles
  • Niagara Falls
  • Savannah
  • Alle Städte
Top-Städte von Samantha
Los Angeles
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Niagara Falls
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Samantha Bulka
3 aktualisierte Orte März 2, 2018
Ice cream, vintage shops,
Samantha Bulka
2 aktualisierte Orte Februar 1, 2018
2 Orte einschließlich The Park Restaurant, Flore Vegan Restaurant
Samantha Bulka
0 aktualisierte Orte
0 Orte
Samantha Bulka
4 aktualisierte Orte
4 Orte einschließlich Mac's Grub Shak, Hilton Garden Inn, Steak 'n Shake, Tim Hortons
    "There are microwaves in most rooms and the bathrooms are very nice! Love the closet space as well. Breakfast is DELICIOUS! Try it!!!! Across from the front desk is a little table with coffee and tea!"
    Samantha BulkaSamantha Bulka · Juni 19, 2015
    · Savannah, USA
    "Try the muffins - especially the lemon poppy seed & chocolate chips ones - they're inexpensive and delicious. French vanilla coffee is awesome, too!"
    Samantha BulkaSamantha Bulka · Mai 31, 2015
    Coffee Shop
    · Niagara Falls, USA