Raviteja Tatineni

Raviteja Tatineni

Irving, Texas
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Raviteja Tatineni
0 aktualisierte Orte
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Raviteja Tatineni
4 aktualisierte Orte
4 Orte einschließlich American Airlines HDQ2, Cinemark, Hertz, 1836 Union Building
    "this place is absolute trash, don't ever chose this as your regular car wash spot. people just lie at you face, and have no courtesy at all."
    Raviteja TatineniRaviteja Tatineni · July 22, 2014
    · Irving, USA
    "only advantage is the 24/7..paratha is never a paratha here. Haven't tried any rice items - hope they would be better at least ! they should seriously think of changing the name of restaurant ! !"
    Raviteja TatineniRaviteja Tatineni · August 30, 2013
    · Jersey City, USA