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Plaza Bar

Plaza Bar

Fotos7 Fotos
Enjoy the unique taste of international wines in the pleasant atmosphere of Plaza Bar.
Plaza Bar
Plaza Bar
März 5, 2013
Enjoy the unique taste of international wines in the pleasant atmosphere of Plaza Bar.
Get the right energy after a long day from our refreshing, homemade non – alcoholic beverages. Enjoy variations of fruit juices and sweet & tasty lemonades.
Plaza Bar
Plaza Bar
April 3, 2013
Get the right energy after a long day from our refreshing, homemade non – alcoholic beverages. Enjoy variations of fruit juices and sweet & tasty lemonades.
Huw L.
Huw L.
Oktober 11, 2023
Das Foto wurde bei Plaza Bar von Huw L. am 10/11/2023 aufgenommen
SWEET FRESH FRUIT JUICES Regenerate your energy after a long day. Enjoy a variety of fruit juices and sweet sparkling lemonades.
Plaza Bar
Plaza Bar
März 10, 2014
SWEET FRESH FRUIT JUICES Regenerate your energy after a long day. Enjoy a variety of fruit juices and sweet sparkling lemonades.
WORLDWIDE WHISKY Whisky time - joy to drink at all times and for all occasions. Rejuvenate yourself with a glass of famous whisky. Try it as a special cocktail or simply on the rocks with soda water.
Plaza Bar
Plaza Bar
Oktober 30, 2013
WORLDWIDE WHISKY Whisky time - joy to drink at all times and for all occasions. Rejuvenate yourself with a glass of famous whisky. Try it as a special cocktail or simply on the rocks with soda water.
MARTINI FOR ANY OCCASION - Martini has become a symbol of Italian glamour and sophistication. Enjoy October in our Plaza Bar with the famous James Bond drink ;)
Plaza Bar
Plaza Bar
Oktober 3, 2013
MARTINI FOR ANY OCCASION - Martini has become a symbol of Italian glamour and sophistication. Enjoy October in our Plaza Bar with the famous James Bond drink ;)
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