The decoration is amazing and the“Christmas all year long” theme is a great.The reason that I cannot rank it high enough is that making a reservation over the phone proved nightmarish.Plain rudeness.
It's a feeling that you came to Alice in Wonderland place. Unusual cocktails menu, people are very relaxed , some of them having a dinner, others dancing at the bar, street area is also very cool!
Εκπληκτική διακόσμηση! Σε κανει να νιώθεις αλλού! Τα κοχυλια με μανιτάρια φανταστικα! Καλες κ οι πιτσες. Ιδανικο κ για cocktails αλλα και για καφε. Προτιμήστε στη στοά ή μέσα και όχι στον πεζόδρομο.
Our first time in Athens, and we casually passed this bar. The garden is beautiful, and the cocktails didn't disappoint. We both had gin drinks and loved them. Velvet queen: amazing.
Good is quite good, environment is lovely and service is warm if a bit bureaucratic (how hard is it to change your order 1 second after you’ve made it). It can get very crowded. Smoking unfortunately
Lively bar with stunning interior in downtown Athens. Tried the vitello tonnato which was great and the mozzarellacrostini which was boring. The service is bad but head for the vibe, it's cool.
Θυμίζει κατι απο Γαλλία . Εκπληκτική ατμόσφαιρα και διακόσμηση. Ενα μαγαζί που σε ταξιδεύει στο χρόνο και σε γεμίζει ευχαρίστηση μονο και μονο απο την ατμόσφαιρα του.
Η διακόσμηση είναι πολύ όμορφη!!όχι μόνο για Χριστούγεννα!πολύ ευγενικό προσωπικό!έχει ποικιλία σε κρασια ! φαγητό δεν δοκίμασα μόνο ποικιλία τυριών και αλλαντικών που ήταν καλη τιμές προσιτές!
Haftaicleri dahil Çok ama çok kalabalık yer bulmak icin cok atik ve gozu acik olmalisiniz genelde eski populer müzikler çalıyor ama kokteyller çok başarılı 💗 dekorasyok çok seker 🍭
Çok güzel kokteylleri var çoğunlukla sanat yapılıyor aslında, ortam çok iyi. Cuma ve ctesi metrobüsden edindiğiniz yer kapma tecrübenizi konusturmaniz gerekebilir, uyanık olun.
One of the trendiest bar-restaurants in Athens! Amazing decoration, quick service and fabulous, classic cocktails make this an ideal place for evening or late night drinks.
One of the trendiestbarrestaurants in Athens! Amazing decoration, quick service and fabulous classic cocktails make this an ideal place for evening or late night drinks
O local é bastante cozy, apesar de aparentar um ar sofisticado. Staff muito atencioso, ajuda nas escolhas. Tip: durante o verão ficar na parte interior é agradável e está a jantarsob um céu estrelado
Amazing place with lovely decoration, pleasant music and friendly staff. The cocktails were perfect, well prepared and tasty! Athens by night at it's finest!
Ότι κι να πούμε είναι λίγο.Έχει τέλεια διακόσμηση,ότι έχει ο κατάλογος είναι προσεγμένο,η εξυπηρέτηση πολύ καλή και εν γένει ξεφεύγει πολύ απο τον ήδη υψηλό Μέσο Όρο της περιοχής!
Εμείς τα υποχείρια του day drinking περνάμε joyeux γιατι υπάρχουν low alcohol cocktails ωραια και με λογικές τιμες μεσα στα αλλαωραια που εχει και γενικως γεια σου Noel με τα ωραια σου!
όμορφο,κλασσάτο & πολύ ιδιαίτερο μαγαζί!Τιγκάρει οπότε καλό θα ταν να πάει κανείς νωρίς,όλοι οι σερβιτόροι ευγενέστατοι πλην ενός.Ο δε άλλος,μας γέμισε τα "σνακ" 4 φορές.Πολύ ωραίο ροζέ ξινόμαυρο!
Interesting decoration. Great drinks. Good, though a bit arrogant service. My problem is the very many characters of the place. I think it lost its "sui generis". Still one of the most famous bars.
Ambians ve yemekler efsaneydi. Mantarlı pizza ve makarna denedik. Greek salatası inanılmaz lezzetliydi. Kokteylleri muhteşem. Gidilmeli ama rez. Yaptırın mutlaka
The butler and the dutchess cocktails are awesome. Pizza ingredients are excellent, but the dough could be improved. Free drink at the end is terrible.
Το επισκέφθηκα πρωΐ για καφέ. Από τις καλύτερες διακοσμήσεις σε bar.O σερβιτόρος ευγενέστατος,συμπλήρωνε νερό όποτε χρειαζόταν. Ο καφές taf που έχουν αποτελεί εγγύηση στη γεύση.
Ιδιαιτερο, πρωτότυπο all day spot με ενα υπερβολικο μπαρόκ-κλασσικο χαρακτήρα που του αρμόζει! Πολυ ευχαριστες μουσικές επιλογές και ενδιαφέρουσα λίστα κοκτειλ που ανανεώνεται διαρκώς απο ειδήμονες.
We had a perfect brunch here, three times. Service perfect, food amazing. It absolutely worth the quite higher price for the lovely place, good treat and amazing food. 5* to all the staff.
It's always Christmas here. Great food&drinks. Not the best service since it gathers lots of people and there is not enough personnel. it's in the pricey side but the quality worths it.
All day, coffee, cocktails, lunch, dinner, pizza, pasta, cold pressed juices, sunday brunch, live music events, available for private events, dining, art shows