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National Atomic Testing Museum

National Atomic Testing Museum

Kunstmuseum, Museum und Wissenschaftsmuseum
Las Vegas
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  • nevada
  • test site
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  • C-SPAN
    C-SPANJuni 27, 2016
    During the 1950s, mushroom clouds from the atmospheric nuclear tests could be seen for 100 miles.Testing at the location stopped in 1992. To learn more about atomic testing watch this C-SPAN video. Mehr erfahren
  • Pavel T.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Pavel TcholakovDezember 2, 2017
    Great museum! If you’re into history, and especially Cold War history, you’ll love visiting. It’s not expansive but I’ll keep you entertained for at least two hours.
  • Sach G.
    Sach GurudeniyaOktober 19, 2014
    Confirmed my theory that humans are petty to the point of being ridiculous. Even the best minds we've produced, the likes of Einstein, can suggest we make bombs so we can kill each other. Oh well.
  • Kim S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Kim SerritslevOktober 7, 2019
    Great and interesting experience. This is a part of the Las Vegas history. It’s highly recommendable to visit this place and get knowledge from the times when A-bombs was part of everyday culture.
  • Robin E.
    Robin EnglandJanuar 2, 2014
    Museums are in short supply in Vegas (you can't have a slot machine in one, I guess) but this is well worth the effort. Fascinating insight into Nevada's recent dark history.
  • Amy B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Amy Brockway-JacklJuly 17, 2019
    Very information-dense! If anything about the history of nuclear testing, especially U.S.-centric history, interests you, expect to spend several hours here.
  • Leslie
    LeslieOktober 3, 2012
    Good museum. Lots of interesting info. Not for short attention spans or children ; not a hands on place. Skip the area 51 exhibit: beyond cheesy!
  • Creen D.
    Creen D.Oktober 1, 2014
    Interesting museum about Nevada's dark history with nuclear power. Don't miss the simulated atmospheric bomb blast.
  • Braden P.
    Braden PleggenkuhleJuly 17, 2012
    Great tours. Get the atomic fire balls in the gift shop. 25 for $2.50. Gave it to the campers I was with. Burned their tounges and they couldn't talk. Best $2.50 ive ever spent.
  • Anna M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Anna MorozovaJanuar 14, 2015
    Провели здесь 2,5 часа - супер музей! Умолчали только о том, почему негласный лимит в 150 килотонн.
  • Nancy O.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Nancy O'ConnorFebruar 8, 2014
    It ways laid out well and very informative. Gave a great overall view of the history and current events of the test site.
  • Vatche A.
    Vatche ArabianFebruar 2, 2014
    Such a fascinating subject. Great exhibits, and detailed history.
  • Karl H.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Karl HobartJuly 3, 2010
    An excellent overview of the Nevada Test Site, with artifacts and equipment dating back to the earliest experiments.
  • The Ritz-Carlton
    The Ritz-CarltonOktober 10, 2011
    Since you’re near the Atomic Testing Museum, be sure to visit its Ground Zero Theatre, which gives you the chance to watch a simulated atmospheric nuclear test.
  • Len ❤.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Len ❤❤❤Januar 16, 2014
    Follow up your visit here with a trip to Area 51!!
  • Vienna Q.
    Vienna QDezember 11, 2013
    It was cool informative, big surprisingly for Vegas
  • Karl H.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Karl HobartApril 4, 2015
    The Area 51 exhibit has creepy, fascinating displays of ancient petroglyphs.
    Otel.comSeptember 19, 2013
    You can pause gambling now and experience the history and science here.
  • Paris B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Great museum exploring the history of atomic testing in the USA. Far better than you'd expect a museum in Vegas to be. The Area 51 exhibit is odd, but is included in admission.
  • Alan S.
    Alan SwensonJuni 12, 2012
    Don't pay extra for the area 51 exhibit. It is garbage compared the rest of the museum.
  • Sarah D.
    Sarah DordalDezember 11, 2013
    Skip the Area 51 part of the museum & just stick to the Atomic testing. (The Area 51 exhibit is a joke in itself & seems put together by a bunch of Staff members :/ sorry guys)
  • John D.
    John DalyJanuar 3, 2010
    Go tour this unbiased re-telling of nuclear power and how Nevada's 20th Century history evolved. Great for kids. Mehr erfahren
  • René K.
    René KåbisApril 18, 2012
    The museum was very informative, accurate and thorough, however the “Area 51 Myth or Reality” exhibit was too heavy on the sensationalism and too thin on skepticism.
  • Ben C.
    Ben CombeeAugust 1, 2010
    A great way to spend 90 minutes away from the strip if you're a science or history buff.
  • Len ❤.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Len ❤❤❤Januar 16, 2014
    Champagne tastes better at the Atomic Testing Museum!!
    Reserve123.comSeptember 6, 2011
    Step away from the slot machines and table games in the casino for some historical entertainment.
  • Elizabeth D.
    Elizabeth DeZoucheJuni 23, 2013
    Don't buy the Area 51 exhibit ticket. It's as cheesy as it sounds.
  • Eldar M.
    Eldar MurtazinJanuar 10, 2013
    Отличное место чтобы увидеть из взгляд на события
  • Nat M.
    Nat MorrisNovember 3, 2013
    Free wifi: SSID "Atomic Blast" password 54321boom
  • John B.
    John BeelerJuly 7, 2013
    Avoid the Area 51 exhibit unless you're a parent of alien-fascinated children. Very cheap & kitschy
  • Lavinia L.
    Lavinia LansdownFebruar 8, 2013
    There is no cafe or restaurant take a picnic and use the car park
  • IMMEDIA PRHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    IMMEDIA PRMärz 17, 2013
    Interesting off-Strip attraction, well staffed and presented.
  • Mitya A.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Interesting and scary. Make love, not war!
  • Mari C.
    Mari C.November 3, 2013
    General museum was top notch! Area 51 was NOT worth the extra money.
  • James C.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    James CAugust 29, 2015
    Small museum. Nice but cramp.
  • Michelle R.
    Michelle ReynosoMai 31, 2014
    Check groupon travel zoo or sites like that for discount passes
  • elisapiper
    elisapiperAugust 15, 2012
    Lots of geekery in the gift shop!
  • IG M.
    IG MorrisonAugust 5, 2013
    Sorry. Skip this. It's dated, was probably cool in the 80's, but not in 2013. Also, v. domestically focused. One to skip. Clues were there, i.e. a museum in Vegas.....
  • George K.
    George KoroneosApril 22, 2011
    Really awesome, but also very dense.
  • Yosia
    YosiaJuly 5, 2017
    Too pricy for trivial and uninteresting presentation
  • Bryan L.
    Bryan LovelessJuni 24, 2011
    Have a blast!
  • Leslie V.
    Leslie VenturaApril 8, 2011
    regents, don't cut women's studies!!!
  • Amy
    AmyMärz 5, 2010
    something to do on a day off. $9 with student ID
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