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Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci

Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci

Wissenschaftsmuseum, Museum und Kunstmuseum
Magenta - San Vittore, Mailand
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  • museen
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  • scienza
  • tecnologia
  • vinci
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  • Emel B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Emel BayraktarSeptember 7, 2015
    a spectacular museum, interactive. You can play many little games to learn and see beatiful scientific and technologic materials. Entrance fee is 10 €. 3-4 hours to visit. See Leonardo's models.
  • Patricia O.
    Patricia OliveiraMärz 24, 2019
    If you visit museum in a sunny day you deserve (need) to go to Q.B icecream. Is close to museum (less than 1min walking), amazing icecream and the price is very cheap. Tip: Try the pistacchio flavor.
  • AnnAHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    AnnAJanuar 17, 2017
    Fascinating to see all inventions of da Vinci. The museum also has some exhibits that visitors can touch and build.
  • Dario D.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Dario De MicheliMai 23, 2016
    Il mio museo preferito a Milano, chi adora la scienza e la tecnologia (ma anche chi è solamente curioso) deve visitarlo almeno una volta! Al suo interno trovate anche il famoso sottomarino Enrico Toti
  • Rick D.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Rick DoesburgOktober 13, 2014
    This is a huge museum. I've never seen a museum this big. It's room after room and floor after floor. It even goes on outside. All kinds of things to see. Paintings, IT stuff, Trains, Boats, Cars etc
  • Nihal Ö.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Nihal ÖztürkOktober 29, 2023
    Teknoloji ve tarih bilgisi içeren bir müze.Giriş 10EUR İtalya’nın eski dokuma tezgahlarından,L.DaVinci’nin çalışmaları,havacılık,uzay, denize dair tüm makineler var.Çocuklar için atölyeler de var.👍🏼
  • Екатерина З.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Вау! Лучший музей науки в моей жизни. Захватывающе! На столько интересно, что уходить не хочется. Там есть документальные фильмы, огромное количество инсталляций, тематических залов. Интересно и детям
  • Zeynep S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Zeynep SarptirMärz 15, 2018
    If you like tech museums, when you arrive at Milan first of all visit this museum. We've arrieved arround 16.50 pm on thursday, paid half price for the tickets because museum will be close at 17.00 pm
  • Kyriaki V.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Kyriaki VasilakiJuni 9, 2017
    An absolute must-see museum not only for technology enthusiasts, but for everyone who likes to see what people used and the evolution of various components/appliances/tools/perspectives.
  • JacK B.
    JacK BFebruar 21, 2015
    La nursery e'ben realizzata ma scomoda da raggiungere e il passeggino lasciatelo a casa;meglio un marsupio,ci son molte scale anche all'interno dei padiglioni. Il museo in sé e' meraviglioso.
  • Pink 3.
    Pink 386Juni 13, 2021
    See the genius works of Leonardo da Vinci not only a artist but a inventor as well. Selection of exhibits including steam trains, submarine, various types of machinery for manufacturing with metal.
  • Silvia M.
    Silvia MontagnerDezember 8, 2014
    Uno splendido posto dove passare qualche ora, una meta obbligata per chi trascorre qualche giorno a Milano. Non solo per ragazzi ma per tutti coloro che la amano scienza e la sua storia.
  • Pink 3.
    Pink 386Juni 13, 2021
    Large museum, you need at least 3 to 4 hours to see everything. Very interesting to see Leonardo’s creations. Good visit for people who like science and technology.
  • Martin O.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Martin OplockýSeptember 9, 2017
    Huge museum, great exhibitions. Totally worth for the money, even great for train lovers in rail section. Not far from Santa Maria delle Grazie, you can merge with the tour.
  • Carlo B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Carlo BecchiNovember 16, 2015
    Science lovers rejoice! The Science museum is excellent and breathtaking. While it lacks the vastity of kids' play area of some of its international counterparts, its big and thrilling. Exp. IT & TLC
  • Yaroslav K.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Yaroslav KabashniyMai 19, 2016
    Very good museum for both kids and adults. A lot of interactive pieces, artifacts are surrounded by explanations that give bigger picture.
  • Gulfiz E.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Gulfiz E.DemirdagJuly 7, 2015
    Gezmesi müthiş eğlenceli ve interaktif bir müze. Bilime çok ilgim yok diyen biri bile en az 3 saat harcar. Çok geniş. Giderken yanınıza su almayı unutmayın ✌🏻️
  • Amit G.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Amit GaharwarFebruar 14, 2016
    The Vinci collection is good. Kids though will love the railways and the air collection. Do remember that there is a separate ticket for Toti submarine. Reach via M2 at Ambrogio station.
  • Sergey Y.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Sergey YakovlevOktober 19, 2016
    Хороший музей для посещения с детьми. Вместе с тем, без хорошего знания английского не советую. High-light guide на русском ниочем. А обилие научных терминов на английском немного напрягает.
  • Carl G.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Carl GriffinDezember 16, 2015
    You can easily spend half a day here. Some very interesting exhibits.
  • Dmitry Z.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Dmitry ZernovFebruar 16, 2014
    Самый лучший музей в котором мне удосужилось побывать! Нужно приезжать с утра. Бесподобные макеты Да Винчи и многое другое!
  • Glitch
    GlitchSeptember 3, 2014
    다빈치의 다양한 발명품들과 아이디어를 볼 수 있는 박물관. 고전적인 건물 분위기와 잘 어울리는 전시 구성.
  • Hanneke F.
    Hanneke FialkaMärz 3, 2019
    Visiting with kids, only Leonardo and the submarine. Sparse descriptions, no shortcuts, many dead ends. it didn't come to live. The museum felt like a labyrinth and for us it didn't come to live.
  • Laura N.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Laura NigroMärz 17, 2018
    Non mi aspettavo un museo così ricco e completo, ogni tecnologia viene illustrata partendo dalle invenzioni storiche. Da non perdere, alla fine, l’esposizione di mezzi di trasporto storici!
  • AnjaHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    AnjaJanuar 2, 2015
    Bring your own food. The museum is huge, so you will be hungry. Fortunately, there is a room for picnic, also you can buy anything in machines.
  • Milan O.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Milan OndrášekAugust 18, 2015
    Great way to spend hot summer days. Very interesting museum. Duration 2-3 hours to see all pavilions. Highly recommended.
  • Michelle A.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Michelle A.März 6, 2016
    Come and see many of Leonardo da Vinci's inventions and sketches here. It's amazing! They also have kids programs and free wifi!
  • Káren D.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Káren DallaCostaSeptember 19, 2017
    Eu era fã de da Vinci antes, e agora fiquei mais! Tudo perfeito. Para chegar, estação de metrô mais perto é San Ambrogio, verde.
  • The Bagel Factory
    The Bagel FactoryJuly 12, 2012
    Il Museo Leonardo Da Vinci è sempre un must, ma se si guarda sul muro che corre lungo Via Olona si può vedere la graffiti art di KayOne che ha realizzato un'opera site specific per il museo.
  • The Bagel Factory
    The Bagel FactoryJuly 23, 2012
    Il Museo è sempre un must, ma se si guarda sul muro che corre lungo Via Olona si può vedere la graffiti art di KayOne che ha realizzato un'opera site specific. A site-specific work by KayOne.
  • Annette K.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Annette KuprienkoOktober 22, 2013
    there are a lot of exhibits, some of comments are only in Italian. Da Vinci pictures, sketches and models are also presented. be ready to spend there at least 2 hours
  • Miltos T.
    Miltos TrOktober 12, 2016
    Great museum but it seems neglected. It's huge, you'll need a day to see everything. Children friendly.
  • Raluca B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Raluca BîrlibaMai 6, 2018
    The place is huge, you should stay all day there, worth the money ❤️
  • EviHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    EviJuly 5, 2016
    Take your family and go spend the day. Amazing concepts, wanted to try all the labs and explore everything 😍
  • Milano è Turismo
    Milano è TurismoAugust 24, 2012
    The collections present the historical development of science and technology, and explore the complex relationship between man and machine, starting from Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Michele A.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Michele AlbertiDezember 19, 2013
    3 piani e 2 padiglioni che ripercorrono la storia delle principali invenzioni degli ultimi secoli. Molto bello il sommergibile Toti, esposto nel cortile interno.
  • Ambra B.
    Ambra BonaiutoOktober 7, 2012
    Dal 21 settembre all'11 novembre non perdetevi il Museo Temporaneo Assassin's Creed Art (R)Evolution: esposte un centinaio di opere tra quadri, filmati, allestimenti e workshop interattivi Mehr erfahren
  • Móveis Bontempo
    Móveis BontempoApril 13, 2012
    Em 2012, é aqui que o designer britânico Tom Dixon expõe suas novidades durante o iSaloni. Batizada de MOST, sua mostra contará, também, com o trabalho de vários outros designers e marcas.
  • Виктория Б.
    Макеты по эскизам Леонардо Да Винчи очень интересно рассматривать. Думала, что все остальное будет не интересно, но оказалось прикольно. Посещали с индивидуальным гидом, договаривались по инету.
  • Gavin A.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Gavin AdamAugust 14, 2016
    Amazing museum. Well worth the €10 entry. One of the best museums I have seen!
  • Ema L.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Ema LJanuar 16, 2015
    Un museo strabiliante, dovre potrete soddisfare ogni vostra curiosità su tutti i campi della scienza/ tecnologia. Fantastico
  • Yasaman ..Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Yasaman .July 31, 2016
    Very intresting museum ! You can spend hour here 😊
    Italia.itNovember 16, 2012
    4 car place reserved for disabled people. Secondary entrance for disabled people with stair-lift. Bathrooms suitable on ground floor and +1. Lift: door 80 cm wide, 121x96 cm wide, all floors
  • Giuseppe V.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Giuseppe VergaFebruar 17, 2017
    E' uno dei più grandi musei di Milano ed è molto conosciuto anche all'estero. Va visitato in più occasioni.
  • Matteo
    MatteoMärz 4, 2015
    Museo molto bello,interessante,interattivo. Molto spesso snobbato e mi dispiace molto. Non e' solo un ripiego per una giornata di pioggia.
  • Jacek W.
    Jacek WisłockiMärz 20, 2011
    This is really great place to visit, a wonderland. I wish I came here early in the morning - it's impossible to see everything properly in 3 hours ;)
  • Daniele C.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Daniele CastelliJuly 21, 2013
    Davvero interessante e ben tenuto! Da visitare prendendosi la giornata libera, davvero grande.
  • Charis P.
    Charis PapadopoulosApril 10, 2013
    One of the best museums in Milan! You need at least three hours to see everything!
  • eUrbanLink
    eUrbanLinkSeptember 19, 2011
    Il Museo è uno dei luoghi più prestigiosi nel centro di Milano dove organizzare eventi, realizzare shooting fotografici e televisivi e ideare esposizioni. Mehr erfahren
  • QHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    QJuni 20, 2018
    Must visit especially if you are an engineer
Fotos1.392 Fotos

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