Julia G

Julia G

Camano Island, WA
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  • Canoga Park
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Canoga Park
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Julia G
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Julia G
2 aktualisierte Orte
2 Orte einschließlich Naha Teriyaki, Starbucks
    "This a hole-in-the-wall laundromat, but it's cheap, relatively clean, people are friendly & they have a whole wall of 35lb triple loaders for $2.50. Regular wash only $1."
    Julia GJulia G · Mai 25, 2010
    · Canoga Park, USA
    "Inexpensive, good, tasty, traditional Mexican food. You get a lot of food for your $."
    Julia GJulia G · Mai 1, 2010
    · Canoga Park, USA
    "This is a low-rent, kinda trashy laundromat. But the machines all work & the broad scope of people who go there are friendly."
    Julia GJulia G · Februar 20, 2010
    · Canoga Park, USA