Mia Harris

Mia Harris


San Diego, CA
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    "All the providers and staff at this office are extremely friendly, considerate, and skilled. Dr.Smith has been my dentist for a long time. and I wouldn't think of going to anyone else for dental care."
    Mia HarrisMia Harris · März 20, 2018
    · San Diego, USA
    "Crushed is crushing the brunch game. This spot is exactly what pacific beach needed. From their diverse menu and drink options, to the super laid back atmosphere!"
    Mia HarrisMia Harris · März 20, 2018
    · San Diego, USA
    "The combination of Japanese-Hawaiian-Caribbean flavours and cuisines, make this an unique gastronomical experience. The location, view and decor, really make justice to this fantastic place."
    Mia HarrisMia Harris · März 19, 2018
    Fisch & Meeresfrüchte
    · San Diego, USA
    "Best place in San Diego, or California (or maybe even the whole world!) to go for ice cream, and to visit with the owners and staff--they make you feel so welcome!"
    Mia HarrisMia Harris · März 19, 2018
    · San Diego, USA