Katz's Delicatessen

Katz's Delicatessen

Sandwich-Laden und Jüdisches Restaurant$$$$
Lower East Side, New York City
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  • rasi_ffmHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    rasi_ffmDezember 7, 2018
    Pastarami Sandwich: klassisch und wahnsinnig lecker! Bei kleinem Hunger reicht eine Portion für zwei.
  • Michael B.
    Michael BuchenerNovember 11, 2013
    Ja hier kann man Katz essen:) Ich glaube nur die Deutsch verstehen können darüber lachen. Super leckeres essen gibt es dort und immer offen rund um die Uhr,
  • JokoHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    JokoOktober 3, 2016
    Es stimmt, das Pastrami-Sandwich ist der Hammer. Vor Ort herrscht um die Mittagszeit das totale Chaos. Der Andrang ist aberwitzig. Hat leider so gar nix mit der Stimmung von Harry meets Sally zu tun.
  • Vancra
    VancraFebruar 25, 2015
    Das Pastrami Sandwich ist legendär und so üppig belegt, dass es locker für die doppelte Menge Brot ausreicht. Really great pastrami sandwich!
  • Christian S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Christian SonntagSeptember 2, 2016
    Der ganze Laden ist klasse. Die Stil und natürlich die Pastramie Sandwiches.... Ein Traum. Gehört zu jedem NY Besuch dazu.
  • prstmhlztHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    prstmhlztFebruar 4, 2016
    Ein ganzes Sandwich schafft man kaum, deshalb besser die Kombi mit halbem Pastrami-Sandwich + Suppe (Matzo!!!). Das Steak-Baguette war auch lecker.
  • Brunold L.
    Brunold LoidlMai 3, 2021
    Nicht vergessen beim Bestellen an der Theke dem Butcher Trinkgeld zu geben wenn er die Pastrami schneidet - Dann bekommt man paar Scheiben extra zum Kosten.
  • Yves
    YvesMärz 28, 2011
    Auch (aber nicht nur) viele Touristen: Herber Charme, rustikal aber auf jeden Fall Brisket oder Pastrami Sandwich mit Pickles
  • Taher A.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Taher AlmuslemaniSeptember 30, 2015
    katz's reuben sandwich had the most tender meat I have ever had it just melts in your mouth!! Its probably one of the most delicious meals I ever had!!100% must have.Dont miss out on the pickles too
    vor 6 Tagen positiv bewertet
  • Village Voice
    Village VoiceAugust 4, 2014
    Tip the carvers $1 before you order and get a sandwich big enough for two; a great choice is a combo of pastrami and corned beef on a club roll. If you know what's good for you, order it lean. Mehr erfahren
    vor 1 Woche positiv bewertet
  • Eater
    EaterJuly 22, 2016
    Katz's serves New York's favorite pastrami sandwich. It's not a sloppy pile of beef and as Robert Sietsema notes, "the flavor is emphatically smokier" than other popular versions served around town. Mehr erfahren
    17. Dec 2024 positiv bewertet
  • HeisenbergHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    HeisenbergNovember 5, 2015
    You know, it's a must on your visit to NYC. Try to order the classic Pastrami Sandwich, if you don't eat much, share the sandwich with a friend. Don't forget to enjoy your side pickles.
  • Adilene N.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Adilene NhFebruar 6, 2016
    Pide el Pastrami con queso, lo acompañan con pepinillos que le da un toque delicioso... Es el Sandwich más grande y caro que e comido pero vale la pena probar!
  • Manuel L.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Manuel LeyvaDezember 9, 2016
    El pastrami, corn beef; ya sea normal o Reubens, espectaculares.... el brisket se desbarata en la boca; mejor imposible! La sopa q trae un como "tamal" en ella también está buenísima!
  • JavilaHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    JavilaAugust 9, 2016
    Si estás en NY no dejes de venir. El Pastrami es delicioso, la mejor carne que he probado nunca. Merece la pena el precio que cuesta. Mejor solo que con queso.
  • Murat O.
    Murat OzduranOktober 5, 2018
    Pastrami sandviç alanında kesinlikle açık ara en iyisi !!! NYC’e gelince kesinlikle denenmesi gereken yiyeceklerden birisi. Yanda gelen salatalık turşusu ise çok özel ve leziz..
    8. Dec 2024 positiv bewertet
  • Eric D.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Eric DallemagneJanuar 6, 2017
    New York's original Underground Gourmets, described some 50 years ago as a living, breathing Brueghel painting. Yes, the pastrami & corned beef are hand-sliced & usually terrific. A little over priced
  • Albertina B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Albertina BuenaMärz 23, 2017
    Tek bir sandöviç alıp, üç kişi paylaşabilirsiniz çok büyük. Olağanüstü lezzetli sandöviçlerini yemek için, inanılmaz bir kuyruk var ama bekleyin. Kusursuz !
  • Erhan G.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Erhan GüneşJuly 2, 2016
    New York'un en iyisi bence burada her şey yiyebilirsiniz, urunlerin de domuz Eti yok, cheese olan her seyi secebilirsiniz,
  • PureWow
    PureWowAugust 5, 2016
    The pastrami on rye will set you back about a million dollars (OK, $20), but it’s twice as big as your apartment. Definitely worth getting at least once. Mehr erfahren
  • Kayleigh H.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Kayleigh HarringtonAugust 1, 2016
    Split a pastrami sandwich (dare you to try to finish a whole one), fries, and coleslaw. If you're not getting a beer, try the Katz's iced tea. Hot tip - pickles come with the sandwiches.
  • Angie H.
    Angie HJuni 28, 2013
    The matzo ball soup with a half sandwich is a bitcheaper than getting a whole. You get the best of both worlds! Pastrami is amazing, I don't know what I was eating before this heaven-sent sandwich
  • Aimée Jane P.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Aimée Jane ParrDezember 9, 2019
    One of NY’s best sandwich joints, traditional NYC delicatessen æsthetic. Sandwiches are expensive with the Reuben at $24 but somehow still so busy and popular! Always a queue! Open late and 24hr Sat.
  • City of New York
    City of New YorkJanuar 13, 2014
    Katz's was the site of Meg Ryan's famous "faking it" scene in the 1989 romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally..., followed by Estelle Reiner's iconic line, "I'll have what she's having".
  • みさき の.
    みさき のゑNovember 13, 2014
    ユダヤ系飲食店の老舗。店内には有名人の写真がびっしり!『恋人たちの予感』のロケ地として有名なお店 入った瞬間食券を買うのに戸惑いましたが、店員さんはとっても気さくでパストラミの試食もさせてくれました。ボリュームがあって2人で1個で十分でした。厚でしっとり。サイドメニューポテトフライもアツアツで美味しいし、ピクルスが大きくて美味しくてビックリ!また行きたいお店です。
    vor 4 Tagen positiv bewertet
  • Matty B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Matty B.November 23, 2019
    What should I say its an icon in nyc! It is not a tourist rip off !! Just a simply awesome Diner with delicious eats! Go for the Pastrami on rye bread and dont loose ur tickets!! 😊 all the best❤️
  • ZenFoodsterHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    ZenFoodsterDezember 3, 2015
    Pricey Pastrami Reuben on toasted rye can be for 2. Best pastrami & pickles from THE NYC DELI (est.1910). Lk 4 Billy Crystal & Megan Ryan's famous "O"-scene table in 1989 movie "When Harry Met Sally."
  • Serious Eats
    Serious EatsMärz 19, 2013
    Unmatched pastrami, excellent egg creams, great hot dogs and sausage. A New York legend.
  • Noah W.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Noah WeissFebruar 9, 2015
    Pastrami on rye sandwich, loaded with mustard, and a matzah bowl soup makes the perfect meal for 2 at sub $30.
  • Ondrej S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Ondrej SedlacekNovember 5, 2018
    The must do, legendary pastrami sandwich joint of NYC. Rueben or the classic with pastrami instead or corned beef is the way to go. It’s huge! ideally share one between two. 10/10.
  • Edgar G.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Edgar GCJanuar 3, 2020
    Muy buenos los sándwiches! De muy buen tamaño. El que más me gustó fue el de pavo, pero el de Brisket y de Pastrami también son opción. Acá los precios 👇🏻
  • Lucille F.
    Lucille FisherJuly 4, 2022
    Old favorite! Best deli in NYC! The jaw breaking pastrami sandwich and matzo ball soup always hit the spot. I have to stop by here every time I’m in The city! 😘😋
  • Raheem K.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Raheem KJuly 17, 2015
  • SAADHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    SAADSeptember 2, 2022
    Get the pastrami sandwich with swiss cheese & mustard 🥪🤩
  • The Corcoran Group
    The Corcoran GroupAugust 27, 2013
    While the Pastrami is the superstar here, their Frankfurter is one of the best in the city. Order them at the counter near the entrance.
  • Daniel B.
    Daniel BlackOktober 31, 2014
    Обязательно быть. Брать пастрами и шикарную фри, принимают только наличные. Цены не низкие, сендвич 18-20$ пиво 7-10$. На стенах фото знаменитостей, которые были там, Горбачев и Черномырдин среди них!
  • Ersin S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Ersin SezmisFebruar 27, 2018
    It’s a die for deli sandwich! You must try it. I had the pastrami sandwich and it was really delicious. Sandwiches are quite big. Totally worth to wait at the line for a table.
  • bilal e.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    bilal ercanAugust 3, 2016
    Big sandviches. Brisket is delicious. Pastrami is also delicious. Actually everything is delicious. Worths waiting. Self service. Prices very low for new york. Tasting compliment is even big :)
  • Stefano R.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Stefano RelliAugust 8, 2024
    This iconic delicatessen has a great selection of NY style sandwiches and fare. Beer is available. Had the pastrami sandwich, piled with enough meat for two people. The lines for the cutters are long.
  • Brandon F.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Brandon F.August 5, 2018
    1.) Yes, that slice of pastrami they leave on the counter is for you 2.) Always tip your cutter 3.) Order the pastrami on rye 4.) ... with a side of homemade pickles
  • Fabio d.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Fabio de LizMärz 9, 2016
    Sanduíche ótimo, se quiser ser atendido pelos garçons sente na parede. Tem a mesa onde foi feito as gravações do filme Harry&sally e da pra tirar umas fotos bacanas. Recomendo!
  • ClaudioHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    ClaudioApril 20, 2016
    Definitely my last meal would be a Reuben Sandwich with pastrami, side of fries and a cream soda. Katz's never fail, excellent attention from everybody around and a lot of seats. ARRIVE EARLY!
  • Flor L.
    Flor LudueñaJanuar 24, 2017
    Best hot pastrami sandwich ever. Classic of ny, forbidden not visiting it. Very expensive but worth every bite. You can have half sandwich with salad (photo), it is better without cheese.
  • Ellie M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Ellie MartinezSeptember 5, 2017
    Keep it simple, pastrami with mustard on rye all the way! The smokiness of the pastrami is amazing. If you aren't a big eater go the half sandwich with a Matzo ball soup instead. Awesome !!
  • Marcus S.
    Marcus StegmillerJuni 18, 2014
    Katz's facts: Did you know that 2,000 to 4,000 people are visiting Katz's Deli per day? Or did you know 7,000 kg of famous Pastrami are consumed per week? Enjoy it!
  • Duncan P.
    Duncan PJSeptember 6, 2014
    Its very close to the intersection on the cover of beastie boys album "pauls boutique" If your a beasties fan check it out then come here for an amazing sandwich
  • Natalia F.
    Natalia FranzenOktober 5, 2019
    desde 1888 o Katz Deli serve um sand de pastrami que é simplesmente imbatível. Apesar de o sand ser bem grande e um pouco pesado, depois que provar dificilmente você vai achar outro tão bom quanto!
  • Heinie Brian H.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Tried Katz's Pastrami Sandwich & it was savagely good!!! Wifey had the Philly cheesesteak which was ok, but the bottled iced tea & lemonade were again on another level! Truly worthy of Harry & Sally!
  • Mustafa Taha Ö.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Mustafa Taha ÖzalMai 14, 2016
    Pastrami! If you didn't came to Katz you never truly visited NYC.
  • Stacy B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Stacy Bo BacyApril 4, 2019
    Get in a queue to order and then sit at any open table. If you’re with someone, share a sandwich. If you’re on your own, get half with soup.
Fotos8.220 Fotos

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