Supova in Roma
Palazzo Doria Pamphili is one of Supova in Roma.

1. Palazzo Doria Pamphili

Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen

Marc S.Marc S: Don't miss the chapel. It is off to the side, accessed from the corner of one of the galleries. It is interesting due to the number of relics there. ("I see dead people")

Schlüsselloch der Magistralvilla des Malteserordens is one of Supova in Roma.

2. Schlüsselloch der Magistralvilla des Malteserordens

(Buco della Serratura Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta)
Villa del Priorato dei Cavalieri di Malta (Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta, 3), Rom, Latium
Aussichtspunkt · Ripa · 44 Tipps und Bewertungen

Лев В.Лев Вольфсон: Нетуристическое место, во многих путеводителях о нем-на слова. В замочную скважину видно сразу 3 страны: Ватикан, мальту( посольство) и сам Рим. Очередь припасть глазком со стороны выглядит забавно...

Chiesa di Sant'Ignazio di Loyola is one of Supova in Roma.

3. Chiesa di Sant'Ignazio di Loyola

Via del Caravita, 8a, Rom, Latium
Kirche · 37 Tipps und Bewertungen

Neehar V.Neehar Venugopal: The optical illusion on the ceiling is best viewed from the yellow spots on the floor of the nave.

Chiesa di San Luigi dei Francesi is one of Supova in Roma.

4. Chiesa di San Luigi dei Francesi

Piazza San Luigi dei Francesi, Rom, Latium
Kirche · Parione · 50 Tipps und Bewertungen

kirerukireru: wonderful display of Caravaggio masterpieces. don't miss it!

5. Largo di Torre Argentina

Largo di Torre Argentina, Rom, Latium
Platz · Sant'Eustachio · 80 Tipps und Bewertungen

Chris P.Chris Phillips: Great for cat-lovers: there are lots living in the ruins here. You can visit the cat sanctuary on the corner in the afternoons.

Fontana delle Tartarughe is one of Supova in Roma.

6. Fontana delle Tartarughe

Piazza Mattei, Rom, Latium
Springbrunnen · 26 Tipps und Bewertungen

Florian D.Florian Dötterl: One of the nicest fountains in Rome. Nice cafe to have a drink - locals might have their drink just standing outside.

Terrazza del Gianicolo is one of Supova in Roma.

7. Terrazza del Gianicolo

Piazzale Giuseppe Garibaldi, Rom, Latium
Aussichtspunkt · Trastevere · 73 Tipps und Bewertungen

Il Mio LazioIl Mio Lazio: If you are here at midday, you'll hear a big shot! Daily at noon a cannon fires once from the Janiculum in the direction of the Tiber to signal the exact time. Mehr erfahren.

Cimitero dei Cappuccini is one of Supova in Roma.

8. Cimitero dei Cappuccini

Via Vittorio Veneto 27, Rom, Latium
Museum · Colonna · 39 Tipps und Bewertungen

Janet C.Janet Cheung: Super cool. Small museum but u will see something different and I believe it is worth it. Not for the faint hearted tho at the last part! Get an audio tour for explanation at the end it's worth it!

Quartiere Coppedé is one of Supova in Roma.

9. Quartiere Coppedé

Rom, Latium
Wohngegend · 22 Tipps und Bewertungen
Pizzeria Ai Marmi is one of Supova in Roma.

10. Pizzeria Ai Marmi

Viale Di Trastevere 53-59, Rom, Latium
Pizzeria · Trastevere · 133 Tipps und Bewertungen

KaramelkaKaramelka: No credit cards / bancomat, only cash is accepted

Trattoria Pecorino is one of Supova in Roma.

11. Trattoria Pecorino

Via Galvani 64, Rom, Latium
Italienisches Restaurant · Testaccio · 28 Tipps und Bewertungen

Stefano M.Stefano Martinelli: Very good " carciofi alla romana" , quality details, I don't undertstand why everybody talks about carbonara try gricia and chardonnay from lazio, try sottobosco with small straberries

I Caruso is one of Supova in Roma.

12. I Caruso

Via Collina, 15, Rom, Latium
Eisdiele · 51 Tipps und Bewertungen

Esra O.Esra Ozkaya: Best ice cream all throughout Italy! Originally Sicilian, nutella and peach flavours are to die for!

Giolitti is one of Supova in Roma.

13. Giolitti

Via degli Uffici del Vicario, 40, Rom, Latium
Eisdiele · Sant'Eustachio · 774 Tipps und Bewertungen

Marina M.Marina Mukhamedshina: Wifi password giolitti1900

Grom is one of Supova in Roma.

14. Grom

Via Agonale, 3 (Piazza Navona), Rom, Latium
Eisdiele · Parione · 74 Tipps und Bewertungen

Constanza C.Constanza Caamaño: El helado de pistacho y turrón muy buenos! Lo único malo son las pequeñas porciones. Precios: 2,6€ (pequeño), 3,6€ (mediano) y 4,6€ (grande).

EUR is one of Supova in Roma.

15. EUR

Rom, Latium
Wohngegend · 25 Tipps und Bewertungen

Elite Club VacanzeElite Club Vacanze: Make absolutely sure that you see the Square Colosseum: this Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana was modelled after the old ellipse one and its symmetry and grandeur will knock you out!

Rione I -  Monti is one of Supova in Roma.

16. Rione I - Monti

Rom, Latium
Wohngegend · 9 Tipps und Bewertungen
Ostiense is one of Supova in Roma.

17. Ostiense

Rom, Latium
Wohngegend · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen
Garbatella is one of Supova in Roma.

18. Garbatella

Rom, Latium
Wohngegend · 21 Tipps und Bewertungen

Raffaele B.Raffaele Boiano: Go to Bastiano da Ceccano (Via Carlo Citerni 27, 00154 Roma) to taste great croissant & pastries! Mehr erfahren.

San Lorenzo is one of Supova in Roma.

19. San Lorenzo

Rom, Latium
Wohngegend · 20 Tipps und Bewertungen

Müge M.Müge Mut: the place, where you can feel the real Italian soul :)

Campo de' Fiori is one of Supova in Roma.

20. Campo de' Fiori

Campo de' Fiori, Rom, Latium
Platz · Parione · 315 Tipps und Bewertungen

Il Mio LazioIl Mio Lazio: go there early in the morning to live a real street market in Rome. Go there in the evening to join an happy crowd having fun

Tazza d'Oro is one of Supova in Roma.

21. Tazza d'Oro

Via degli Orfani, 84, Rom, Latium
Coffee Shop · Sant'Eustachio · 379 Tipps und Bewertungen

loylumloylum: The best Americano in town & only for 1,20€

La Gatta Mangiona is one of Supova in Roma.

22. La Gatta Mangiona

Via Federico Ozanam, 30, Rom, Latium
Pizzeria · Gianicolense · 66 Tipps und Bewertungen

Michele D.Michele D: la pizza è alta, ma lievitata bene e molto digeribile. i fritti sono sfiziosi ma i prezzi sono discutibili: supplì del giorno 5 euro, bruschetta aglio e olio 3 euro!

Circus Maximus is one of Supova in Roma.

23. Circus Maximus

(Circo Massimo)
Via del Circo Massimo, Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Ripa · 96 Tipps und Bewertungen

RomaRoma: The oldest and largest of Rome's ancient arenas, the Circus Maximus hosted chariot races from at least the fourth century BC. It was rebuilt by Julius Caesar to hold as many as 300,000 people.

Kapitolsplatz is one of Supova in Roma.

24. Kapitolsplatz

(Piazza del Campidoglio)
Piazza del Campidoglio, Rom, Latium
Platz · 66 Tipps und Bewertungen

Kateryna K.Kateryna Kalyaka: Если стоять спинок ступенькам, ведущим к площади, то в правом углу площади есть узкий переулок ведущий на панорамную площадку.. Виден весь римский форум и Колизей.Фото супер получаются

Piazza Navona is one of Supova in Roma.

25. Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona, Rom, Latium
Platz · Parione · 632 Tipps und Bewertungen

Ozan V.Ozan Vural: Unbelievable place you're in just now. The fountains are Bernini's. Try to come again in early mornings, avoiding tourists, feeling the history alone with the sound of hundreds of years fountain.

Piazza del Popolo is one of Supova in Roma.

26. Piazza del Popolo

Piazza del Popolo, Rom, Latium
Platz · Campo Marzio · 294 Tipps und Bewertungen

Anastasia I.Anastasia Iakutovych: Над площадью парк Боргезе,со смотровой площадки отличный вид на всю площадь и купол Петра в Ватикане

Pantheon is one of Supova in Roma.

27. Pantheon

Piazza della Rotonda (Via Palombella), Rom, Latium
Denkmal · Sant'Eustachio · 800 Tipps und Bewertungen
Altare della Patria is one of Supova in Roma.

28. Altare della Patria

Piazza Venezia, Rom, Latium
Denkmal · 156 Tipps und Bewertungen

SquirrlySquirrly: It's a great Museum. Probably one of the best organized museums ever. Go to the rooftop and order yourself a nice coffee after visiting the museum. Discuss what you've seen with friends. Enjoy Life.

Konstantinsbogen is one of Supova in Roma.

29. Konstantinsbogen

(Arco di Costantino)
Via San Gregorio, Rom, Latium
Denkmal · 75 Tipps und Bewertungen

Justin B.Justin Bradshaw: The arch was built by the roman authorities to celebrate Consantine's 'liberation' of Rome. The narrative strip above the side arches, in grand propoganda style, shows him as a man with a mission.

Trajanssäule is one of Supova in Roma.

30. Trajanssäule

(Colonna Traiana)
Piazza Foro Traiano, Rom, Latium
Denkmal · Monti · 33 Tipps und Bewertungen

Ed M.Ed Matlack: Originally the images wrapping the column were painted. Think of the amazing color and stories they would tell.

Le Quattro Fontane is one of Supova in Roma.

31. Le Quattro Fontane

Via delle Quattro Fontane, Rom, Latium
Denkmal · Trevi · 19 Tipps und Bewertungen A group of four Renaissance fountains at the intersection of Via dell Fontane and Vie del Quirinale. Also don't forget to visit the nearby Baroque church of Saint Charles at the Four Fountains.

Engelsburg is one of Supova in Roma.

32. Engelsburg

(Castel Sant'Angelo)
Lungotevere Castello, Rom, Latium
Burg · 359 Tipps und Bewertungen

Dartr N.Dartr Nemec: На мой взгляд, лучшая смотровая площадка в Риме! Приходите вечером - справа для вас откроется чудесный вид на Ватикан!

Piazza di Spagna is one of Supova in Roma.

33. Piazza di Spagna

Piazza di Spagna, Rom, Latium
Platz · Campo Marzio · 459 Tipps und Bewertungen
Forum Romanum is one of Supova in Roma.

34. Forum Romanum

(Foro Romano)
Via dei Fori Imperiali, Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · 456 Tipps und Bewertungen

Ivan F.Ivan F.: Действует билет из Колизея. Если планируете посетить оба места, билет лучше покупать здесь - очередь значительно короче.

Kolosseum is one of Supova in Roma.

35. Kolosseum

Piazza del Colosseo (Via dei Fori Imperiali), Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · 1816 Tipps und Bewertungen

Louis VuittonLouis Vuitton: The Roman Empire comes alive at the Colosseum! Cruise with your imagination through historic times when fight-games were organized, as depicted by Russel Crowe in "The Gladiator".

Piazza Venezia is one of Supova in Roma.

36. Piazza Venezia

Piazza Venezia, Rom, Latium
Platz · 248 Tipps und Bewertungen

Natalia C.Natalia Casillas: Очень красивое место! Кроме того, место примечательно тем, что с террасы открывается чудесная панорама Рима!

Terrazza del Pincio is one of Supova in Roma.

37. Terrazza del Pincio

Piazzale Napoleone I, Rom, Latium
Platz · Campo Marzio · 79 Tipps und Bewertungen

EDREDR: One of the best views in Rome, try not to miss it for sundown.

Vatikanische Museen is one of Supova in Roma.

38. Vatikanische Museen

(Musea Vaticana)
Viale Vaticano, Vatikanstadt
Kunstmuseum · Stato della Città del Vaticano · 898 Tipps und Bewertungen

Vladimir M.Vladimir Malyy: Starting from May, you may visit the museum and chapelle every friday in the evening (19h - 23h) There is no queue at all.

Vatikanische Pinakothek is one of Supova in Roma.

39. Vatikanische Pinakothek

(Pinacoteca dei Musei Vaticani)
Viale Vaticano, Vatican City, Status Civitatis Vaticanæ
Kunstgalerie · Vatikanstadt · 18 Tipps und Bewertungen

Tatiana B.Tatiana B.: Большая коллекция картин. В полумраке Караваджо особенно эффектен.

Stanzen des Raffael is one of Supova in Roma.

40. Stanzen des Raffael

(Stanze di Raffaello)
Viale Vaticano, Vatikanstadt
Kunstgalerie · Città del Vaticano · 23 Tipps und Bewertungen

Tatiana B.Tatiana B.: Её богатство не уступает самой Сикстинской капелле.🎆

Galleria Borghese is one of Supova in Roma.

41. Galleria Borghese

Piazzale Scipione Borghese 5, Rom, Latium
Kunstmuseum · Pinciano e salario, Rome, Latium · 179 Tipps und Bewertungen

Томуся ♏Томуся ♏: Если решите увидеть великих Тициана, Рафаэлло, Караваджи, перед поездкой, намного заранее бронируйте билеты в онлайне..Увы сейчас с ходу уже не попасть..Продано все на две недели вперед...

Galleria Alberto Sordi is one of Supova in Roma.

42. Galleria Alberto Sordi

Piazza Colonna (Largo Chigi), Rom, Latium
Einkaufszentrum · Trevi · 76 Tipps und Bewertungen

SerdarSerdar: An Art Nouveau style shopping mall, located in Via del Corso. A nice spot to have coffee break during a walking tour.

Petersplatz is one of Supova in Roma.

43. Petersplatz

(Piazza San Pietro)
Piazza San Pietro, Vatikanstadt
Platz · Città del Vaticano · 415 Tipps und Bewertungen

Gabi B.Gabi Bulumac: Magnificent square ...very impressive !!!! Go to see the Pope when give the blessing to the crowds-Sundays at 12 noon - busy but it was amazing.Truly a moving and powerful experience!

Spanische Treppe (Treppe der Dreifaltigkeit vom Berge) is one of Supova in Roma.

44. Spanische Treppe (Treppe der Dreifaltigkeit vom Berge)

(Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti)
Piazza Trinità dei Monti 17 (Piazza di Spagna), Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Campo Marzio · 303 Tipps und Bewertungen

Tasha M.Tasha Major: Honestly, this is the thing in Rome I could have gone without. Overwhelmed with tourists and vendors but w/o a good reason. Unless you have oodles of free time, skip this sight and see something else.

Palatin is one of Supova in Roma.

45. Palatin

Via San Gregorio 30, Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · 164 Tipps und Bewertungen

Hotel Felice RomeHotel Felice Rome: the Palatine Hill was the location of the cave, known as the Lupercal, where Romulus and Remus were found by the she-wolf that kept them alive. Mehr erfahren.

Basilika St. Peter (Petersdom) is one of Supova in Roma.

46. Basilika St. Peter (Petersdom)

(Basilica Sancti Petri)
Piazza San Pietro, Vatikanstadt
Kirche · Città del Vaticano · 637 Tipps und Bewertungen

Паша Д.Паша Довольнов: обязательно поднимитесь на купол. самая лучшая панорама на рим. когда будете брать билет, не берите лифт. он бесполезен

Engelsbrücke is one of Supova in Roma.

47. Engelsbrücke

(Ponte Sant'Angelo)
Ponte Sant'Angelo, Rom, Latium
Brücke · Ponte · 104 Tipps und Bewertungen

Dave S.Dave Sawyer: Beautiful statues, wonderfully lit at night, and street musicians help add to the ambiance on certain occasions.

Piazza Barberini is one of Supova in Roma.

48. Piazza Barberini

Piazza Barberini, Rom, Latium
Platz · Trevi · 59 Tipps und Bewertungen

KiraKira: Здесь есть красивый фонтан- Тритон :) спускаясь по улице в сторону Триволи, можно найти неплохие магазинчики обуви и одежды (не заходите к индусам и пакистанцам, их maid in Italy" - наглая ложь)

Via dei Condotti is one of Supova in Roma.

49. Via dei Condotti

Via Condotti, Rom, Latium
Straße · Campo Marzio · 43 Tipps und Bewertungen

MAT ..MAT .: Best brands ( luxury) shopping

Villa Borghese is one of Supova in Roma.

50. Villa Borghese

Piazzale Flaminio, Rom, Latium
Park · 402 Tipps und Bewertungen

Caner G.Caner Göz: Don't leave Rome before visiting this amazing park. You need to have a map in order not to be lost. And also, you have a chance to discover the city on the top.

Palazzo del Quirinale is one of Supova in Roma.

51. Palazzo del Quirinale

Piazza del Quirinale, Rom, Latium
Parlamentsgebäude · Trevi · 30 Tipps und Bewertungen

Jowita L.Jowita Ludwikiewicz: In March every Sunday @11.50 there's a free concert in the Palazzo del Quirinale, in the stunning Cappella Paolina!

Via dei Fori Imperiali is one of Supova in Roma.

52. Via dei Fori Imperiali

Via dei Fori Imperiali, Rom, Latium
Straße · Monti · 35 Tipps und Bewertungen
Museo dell'Ara Pacis is one of Supova in Roma.

53. Museo dell'Ara Pacis

Lungotevere in Augusta (Via Tomacelli), Rom, Latium
Kunstmuseum · Campo Marzio · 54 Tipps und Bewertungen

Clayton C.Clayton Crawley: Go to Gusto behind the monument - horrid service but amazing salads which are complementary with the order of a pizza.

Piazza Colonna is one of Supova in Roma.

54. Piazza Colonna

Piazza Colonna, Rom, Latium
Platz · Colonna · 29 Tipps und Bewertungen

Fоursquаrе по-русскиFоursquаrе по-русски: Чтобы загадать желание, нужно обойти колонну трижды по часовой стрелке, сосредоточившись при этом на самом важном. Загадывать можно в неограниченном количестве! Ваши желания точно сбудутся!

Piazza di Montecitorio is one of Supova in Roma.

55. Piazza di Montecitorio

Piazza di Montecitorio, Rom, Latium
Platz · Sant'Eustachio · 17 Tipps und Bewertungen

LéoLéo: Rome is a place full of landmarks, one at each corner (not literally)... this is a must-see!!

Kapitolinische Museen is one of Supova in Roma.

56. Kapitolinische Museen

(Musei Capitolini)
Piazza del Campidoglio 1, Rom, Latium
Kunstmuseum · 84 Tipps und Bewertungen

Stefania M.Stefania Mani: Beautiful museum with a stunning view from the terrace! The staff at the caffetteria wasn't nice at all

Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin is one of Supova in Roma.

57. Basilica di Santa Maria in Cosmedin

18 Piazza Bocca della Verità, Rom, Latium
Kirche · Ripa · 22 Tipps und Bewertungen

LALA: Обязательно спуститесь в подвал: очень красивая икона и потрясающая атмосфера!

Sixtinische Kapelle is one of Supova in Roma.

58. Sixtinische Kapelle

(Sacellum Sixtinum)
Viale Vaticano, Vatikanstadt
Kirche · Città del Vaticano · 399 Tipps und Bewertungen

Torstein K.Torstein Kongshem: Visit takes 1-3 hours depending on your patience with examining all artwork. Michelangelo's masterpiece in final hall, in almost pitch dark, hundreds of people - flashlights blitzing away at the ceili

Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II is one of Supova in Roma.

59. Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II

Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II, Rom, Latium
Brücke · Borgo · 15 Tipps und Bewertungen

Julia K.Julia Kryvomaz: Very nice looking bridge, gives a good clear look on Saint Angelo Castle

Via della Conciliazione is one of Supova in Roma.

60. Via della Conciliazione

Via della Conciliazione, Rom, Latium
Straße · Borgo · 6 Tipps und Bewertungen

FaridFarid: You are walking in Italy, surrounded by buildings belonging to another country: The Vatican.

Caracalla-Thermen is one of Supova in Roma.

61. Caracalla-Thermen

(Terme di Caracalla)
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 52, Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · 79 Tipps und Bewertungen

Yana Y.Yana Yanina: The place from movie of Woody Allen "To Rome with love". Where they walked in the night under rain.

Fontana del Nettuno is one of Supova in Roma.

62. Fontana del Nettuno

Piazza Navona, Rom, Latium
Springbrunnen · Parione · 15 Tipps und Bewertungen

Italy Rome Tour E.Italy Rome Tour Exclusive Guided Tours: The Fontana del Nettuno (Fountain of Neptune) is a fountain in Rome, Italy, located at the north end of the Piazza Navona. It was once called "Fontana dei Calderari" because it was located close to

Via del Corso is one of Supova in Roma.

63. Via del Corso

Via del Corso, Rom, Latium
Straße · 85 Tipps und Bewertungen

Anna L.Anna Lockhart: If you hate crowds as much as I do, go to Via Cola de Rienza by Vatican for shopping - all the same shops, but it would be a pleasant relaxed experience.

Ponte Palatino is one of Supova in Roma.

64. Ponte Palatino

Ponte Palatino, Rom, Latium
Brücke · Ripa · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen
Basilica di Sant'Eustachio is one of Supova in Roma.

65. Basilica di Sant'Eustachio

Piazza di Sant'Eustachio, Rom, Latium
Kirche · Sant'Eustachio · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Look at the top! Mehr erfahren.

Basilica di Sant'Agostino is one of Supova in Roma.

66. Basilica di Sant'Agostino

Piazza di Sant'Agostino (Via di Sant'Agostino), Rom, Latium
Kirche · Ponte · 9 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Hidden treasures by famous artists here! Mehr erfahren.

Porta Maggiore is one of Supova in Roma.

67. Porta Maggiore

Piazza di Porta Maggiore (Piazzale Labicano), Rom, Latium
Denkmal · Esquilino · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Look for the underground church! Mehr erfahren.

Big Hilda Pub is one of Supova in Roma.

68. Big Hilda Pub

33 Vicolo del Cinque, Rom, Latium
Kneipe · Trastevere · 47 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Very long happy hour(s) from 11:00 to 22:00! Mehr erfahren.

Centrale Montemartini is one of Supova in Roma.

69. Centrale Montemartini

Via Ostiense 106, Rom, Latium
Kunstmuseum · Ostiense · 25 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: the ‘Hall of Machines’ is stunning! Mehr erfahren.

Cimitero Acattolico di Testaccio is one of Supova in Roma.

70. Cimitero Acattolico di Testaccio

Via Caio Cestio, 6, Rom, Latium
Friedhof · Testaccio · 19 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Find the stunning Angel of Grief grave! Mehr erfahren.

Fortyseven Hotel Rome is one of Supova in Roma.

71. Fortyseven Hotel Rome

Via Luigi Petroselli 47 00186 Roma Roma (Latium) I, Rom, Latium
Hotel · Ripa · 17 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Rooftop restaurant has an amazing view! Try the creamy risotto Acquerello! Mehr erfahren.

Csoa Ex Snia Viscosa is one of Supova in Roma.

72. Csoa Ex Snia Viscosa

Via Prenestina 173, Rom, Latium
Kunst und Unterhaltung · 1 Tipp

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: One of the most culturally vivid and beautiful places in Rome Mehr erfahren.

CSOA Forte Prenestino is one of Supova in Roma.

73. CSOA Forte Prenestino

Via Federico Delpino, Rom, Latium
Musikhalle · Prenestino Centocelle, Roma, Lazio · 13 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Every Sunday there is a farmer’s market with fresh, local products. Mehr erfahren.

Dorothy Circus Gallery is one of Supova in Roma.

74. Dorothy Circus Gallery

Via dei Pettinari, 76, Rom, Latium
Kunstgalerie · Regola · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Small and cosy, and completely free to access! Mehr erfahren.

Estremi is one of Supova in Roma.

75. Estremi

Via Del Boschetto, Rom, Latium
Vintage- und Secondhand-Laden · Monti · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: If you appreciate unique and colorful home furnishings, you will love this store, Mehr erfahren.

Fafiuché is one of Supova in Roma.

76. Fafiuché

Via della madonna dei monti 28, Rom, Latium
Weinbar · Monti · 15 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Aperitivo buffet is served between 18:00 and 21:00 Mehr erfahren.

Giardino degli Aranci is one of Supova in Roma.

77. Giardino degli Aranci

Piazza Pietro d'Illaria, Rom, Latium
Garten · Ripa · 115 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: It is particularly evocative and romantic at sunset Mehr erfahren.

via ostiense is one of Supova in Roma.

78. via ostiense

Via Ostiense
Hochschulgebäude für Kunst · 1 Tipp

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Don't miss the building painted by the street artist Blu! Mehr erfahren.

Celestino is one of Supova in Roma.

79. Celestino

Via degli Ausoni 62-64, Rom, Latium
Bar · 24 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: You get beer for no more than € 2 Mehr erfahren.

Il Mercatino is one of Supova in Roma.

80. Il Mercatino

Via Sebastiano Grandis 7, Rom, Latium
Flohmarkt · Esquilino · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Check the date on each tag, after 60 days that article is discounted! Mehr erfahren.

MACRO - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma is one of Supova in Roma.

81. MACRO - Museo d'Arte Contemporanea Roma

Via Nizza, 138, Rom, Latium
Kunstmuseum · 60 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Don’t forget to visit the bathrooms! So fun! Mehr erfahren.

MAS - Magazzini allo Statuto is one of Supova in Roma.

82. MAS - Magazzini allo Statuto

Via dello Statuto, 1-11, Rom, Latium
Kaufhaus · Esquilino · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Looking for a particular cheap vintage dress? That's the place! Mehr erfahren.

MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo is one of Supova in Roma.

83. MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo

Via Guido Reni, 4/A (Via Flaminia e Via Giovanni Paolo Pannini), Rom, Latium
Kunstmuseum · Flaminio · 150 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Just looking at the building is worth the ticket price Mehr erfahren.

Momart Cafè is one of Supova in Roma.

84. Momart Cafè

Viale XXI aprile, 19, Rom, Latium
Cocktailbar · Nomentano · 108 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Get many delicious pizza slices you want during the Aperitivo! Mehr erfahren.

Mercato Esquilino is one of Supova in Roma.

85. Mercato Esquilino

Via Principe Amedeo (Via Ricasoli), Rom, Latium
Bauernmarkt · Esquilino · 27 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: It flawlessly represents all the different cultures present in Rome Mehr erfahren.

Ponte Milvio is one of Supova in Roma.

86. Ponte Milvio

Piazzale di Ponte Milvio, Rom, Latium
Brücke · della Vittoria · 36 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: You are bound to see several love locks when you visit. Mehr erfahren.

Palazzo Altemps is one of Supova in Roma.

87. Palazzo Altemps

Piazza di Sant'Apollinare, 46, Rom, Latium
Kunstmuseum · Ponte · 17 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: It houses important Greek and Roman antiquities! Mehr erfahren.

Laghetto dell'EUR is one of Supova in Roma.

88. Laghetto dell'EUR

Laghetto dell'EUR, Rom, Latium
See · EUR · 33 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Seems like to be in another city! Mehr erfahren.

Parco degli Acquedotti is one of Supova in Roma.

89. Parco degli Acquedotti

Via Lemonia, Rom, Latium
Park · Appio Claudio · 54 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Take a walk or have a picnic, feeling the vibe of Ancient Rome. Mehr erfahren.

Villa Gordiani is one of Supova in Roma.

90. Villa Gordiani

Via Prenestina, 300 (Via Olevano Romano), Rom, Latium
Park · Collatino · 12 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Almost every outdoor activities comes out well here! Mehr erfahren.

Pastificio is one of Supova in Roma.

91. Pastificio

Via della croce 8, Rom, Latium
Italienisches Restaurant · Campo Marzio · 233 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: From 13:00 to 14:00 they serve amazing pasta dishes for € 4! Mehr erfahren.

Piazza della Madonna dei Monti is one of Supova in Roma.

92. Piazza della Madonna dei Monti

Piazza della Madonna dei Monti, Rom, Latium
Platz · Monti · 37 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Ditch the credit card, as only cash is accepted! Mehr erfahren.

Piazza Trilussa is one of Supova in Roma.

93. Piazza Trilussa

Piazza Trilussa, Rom, Latium
Platz · Trastevere · 30 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Buy a beer or a bottle of wine and enjoy your drink sitting on the stairs! Mehr erfahren.

Caffe Pigneto is one of Supova in Roma.

94. Caffe Pigneto

Via del Pigneto 15, Rom, Latium
Café · Pigneto · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Go there for the happy hour (18:00 – 21:00, drinks at very low prices! Mehr erfahren.

Chiesa di San Pietro in Montorio is one of Supova in Roma.

95. Chiesa di San Pietro in Montorio

Piazza di San Pietro in Montorio, 2, Rom, Latium
Kirche · Trastevere · 9 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: The "Tempietto" inside is stunning! Mehr erfahren.

Sedia del Diavolo is one of Supova in Roma.

96. Sedia del Diavolo

Piazza Elio Callistio, Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Trieste · 6 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: You can really find something from the past everywhere in this city! Mehr erfahren.

Tor Marancia is one of Supova in Roma.

97. Tor Marancia

Rom, Latium
Straße · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Here you can see entire buildings covered with graffiti masterpieces! Mehr erfahren.

TreeBar is one of Supova in Roma.

98. TreeBar

Via Flaminia, 226 (Via Cesare Fracassini), Rom, Latium
Cocktailbar · 24 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Best time to come is of course for the Aperitivo! Mehr erfahren.

Via del Governo Vecchio is one of Supova in Roma.

99. Via del Governo Vecchio

Via del Governo Vecchio, Rom, Latium
Straße · Parione · 7 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Don't miss shopping at Kolby! Mehr erfahren.

Villa Doria Pamphilj is one of Supova in Roma.

100. Villa Doria Pamphilj

Villa Doria Pamphili, Rom, Latium
Park · Gianicolense · 87 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Take the entrance on Via Vitelli 102! Mehr erfahren.

Il Vinaietto is one of Supova in Roma.

101. Il Vinaietto

Via del Monte Della Farina, 38 (Vicolo dei Chiodaroli), Rom, Latium
Weinbar · Sant'Eustachio · 23 Tipps und Bewertungen

Spotted by Locals - city guides by localsSpotted by Locals - city guides by locals: Stop by here for an affordable glass of wine (€ 3 – € 4)! Mehr erfahren.

Via Giulia is one of Supova in Roma.

102. Via Giulia

Via Giulia, Rom, Latium
Straße · Regola · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen
Foro di Traiano is one of Supova in Roma.

103. Foro di Traiano

Piazza Foro Traiano, Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Monti · 33 Tipps und Bewertungen

UHNWIUHNWI: Ideal for night walks. Read about it you will learn and enjoy

Piazza di Pietra is one of Supova in Roma.

104. Piazza di Pietra

Piazza Di Pietra (Via de Pastini), Rom, Latium
Platz · 23 Tipps und Bewertungen

Francesco D.Francesco De Luca: For a coffee or a meal in one of the most beautiful squares in Rome

Marcellustheater is one of Supova in Roma.

105. Marcellustheater

(Teatro di Marcello)
Piazza Monte Savello, 30, Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · 33 Tipps und Bewertungen

Ryan M.Ryan Matzner: Classical music concerts here all Sumer long at 8:30pm, with the ruins as a backdrop. No need to book in advance.

Foro di Cesare is one of Supova in Roma.

106. Foro di Cesare

Via dei Fori Imperiali, Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · 17 Tipps und Bewertungen

Julia K.Julia Kryvomaz: Must see! Not much left, but gives you a great impression of how people lived long ago!

Lago di Vico is one of Supova in Roma.

107. Lago di Vico

Strada provinciale valle di Vico, Caprarola, Latium
See · 6 Tipps und Bewertungen

Il Mio LazioIl Mio Lazio: Birdwatching here! The lake is a major habitat of a number of aquatic birds with many varieties of wild ducks: mallards, garganeys and gadwalls. Mehr erfahren.

Foro di Augusto is one of Supova in Roma.

108. Foro di Augusto

Via dei Fori Imperiali, Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Monti · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen

Olaf B.Olaf Bottek: You thought Forum Romanum is big? Well have a look at this one. There are light illuminations and projections when the sun went down. Really impressive!

Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is one of Supova in Roma.

109. Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore

Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore, Rom, Latium
Kirche · Monti · 142 Tipps und Bewertungen

Tomas V.Tomas Vyhnalek: Sunday latin mess + men choir = wonderful celebration!

Kuppel der Basilika St. Peter is one of Supova in Roma.

110. Kuppel der Basilika St. Peter

(Cupola di San Pietro)
Piazza San Pietro, Vatikanstadt
Aussichtspunkt · Città del Vaticano · 102 Tipps und Bewertungen

Loni F.Loni French: For €2 less you walk up 520 steps! Otherwise it's €7 for the elevator and only 320 steps!

Museo delle Terme di Diocleziano is one of Supova in Roma.

111. Museo delle Terme di Diocleziano

Viale Enrico de Nicola, 79, Rom, Latium
Geschichtsmuseum · 35 Tipps und Bewertungen

Luca P.Luca P.: Il biglietto a 7 € (10 € in caso di mostre, 3.50 € per i cittadini europei tra 18 e i 25 anni) consente nell'arco di tre giorni l'ingresso anche a Palazzo Massimo, Palazzo Altemps e Crypta Balbi.

Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri is one of Supova in Roma.

112. Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri

Via Cernaia 9, Rom, Latium
Kirche · 30 Tipps und Bewertungen This beautiful Renaissance church in Rome was built inside former Baths of Diocletian, and was designed by Michelangelo. See the Museo Nazionale delle Terme and the breathtaking sanctuary.

Piazza della Repubblica is one of Supova in Roma.

113. Piazza della Repubblica

Piazza della Repubblica, Rom, Latium
Platz · 107 Tipps und Bewertungen

andrea a.andrea aloisi: One of the most beautiful square in Rome with beautiful hotels, cinemas, museums, and monuments of the ancient romans. Enjoy it!

Piramide Cestia is one of Supova in Roma.

114. Piramide Cestia

Piazzale Ostiense, Rom, Latium
Denkmal · Testaccio · 38 Tipps und Bewertungen

KonstantinaKonstantina: Never knew this pyramid existed! Made for a Roman, inspired by the Egyptian culture... You can take a better look by entering the cemetery right next to it. There is a small garden there with views.👌

Via Vittorio Veneto is one of Supova in Roma.

115. Via Vittorio Veneto

Via Vittorio Veneto, Rom, Latium
Straße · Ludovisi · 21 Tipps und Bewertungen If you loved the film La Dolce Vita, go here, to see where most of it took place. Don't forget to drop by the Café de Paris and Harry's Bar, which have also been famous because of the film.

Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere is one of Supova in Roma.

116. Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere

Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere, Rom, Latium
Kirche · Trastevere · 44 Tipps und Bewertungen

Antonio A.Antonio Agnone: Side streets have better (and cheaper) eats. Avoid sitting down on the Piazza itself.

Piazza Giuseppe Mazzini is one of Supova in Roma.

117. Piazza Giuseppe Mazzini

Piazza Giuseppe Mazzini, Rom, Latium
Platz · della Vittoria · 6 Tipps und Bewertungen

Анна Л.Анна Любимова: Тихий уголок с прудиком и скульптурами

Piazza Cavour is one of Supova in Roma.

118. Piazza Cavour

Piazza Cavour, Rom, Latium
Platz · Prati · 36 Tipps und Bewertungen

Michelle C.Michelle Connochie: Nice park to sit and people watch in.

Porta San Sebastiano is one of Supova in Roma.

119. Porta San Sebastiano

Via di Porta San Sebastiano, Rom, Latium
Historische und geschützte Stätte · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen

120. Piazza della Maddalena

Piazza della Maddalena, Rom, Latium
Platz · Sant'Eustachio · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen

Vova N.Vova Novaque: Chill out in the shadows

Fontana dei Tritoni (Bizzaccheri) is one of Supova in Roma.

121. Fontana dei Tritoni (Bizzaccheri)

Piazza Bocca della Verità, Rom, Latium
Springbrunnen · Ripa · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

ValentinaValentina: Just take a look on the way to de trevi. No reason for visiting this place specially.

Parco del Colle Oppio is one of Supova in Roma.

122. Parco del Colle Oppio

Viale del Monte Oppio, Rom, Latium
Park · Monti · 16 Tipps und Bewertungen

Jeanette M.Jeanette Mayland: Walk through this park on your way to the Colosseum and get the best introduction to this beautiful monument

Piazza Dei Tribunali is one of Supova in Roma.

123. Piazza Dei Tribunali

Piazza dei Tribunali, Rom, Latium
Platz · Prati · 6 Tipps und Bewertungen

GeorgeGeorge: Очень красивое здание. Обязательно обойдите его по периметру.

Rione XIII - Trastevere is one of Supova in Roma.

124. Rione XIII - Trastevere

Rom, Latium
Wohngegend · 91 Tipps und Bewertungen

Оксана К.Оксана Корнакова: Тесные закоулки, маленькие таверны, в проулках все друг с другом здороваются. В местных тавернах не гонятся за высокой кухней и звездами Мишлена. Здесь заботятся о том, чтобы гость наелся от души!

Borgo Pio is one of Supova in Roma.

125. Borgo Pio

Borgo Pio, Rom, Latium
Straße · Borgo · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen
Villa Torlonia is one of Supova in Roma.

126. Villa Torlonia

Via Nomentana, 70, Rom, Latium
Park · Nomentano · 53 Tipps und Bewertungen

Zhanna C.Zhanna Candice: Very nice place and nearby is a villa where is a nice pond with turtles))

Villa Paganini is one of Supova in Roma.

127. Villa Paganini

Via Nomentana, 70, Rom, Latium
Park · Nomentano · 7 Tipps und Bewertungen
Titusbogen is one of Supova in Roma.

128. Titusbogen

(Arco di Tito)
Via Sacra, Rom, Latium
Denkmal · Campitelli · 34 Tipps und Bewertungen

Arthur C.Arthur Carl: Aware! YOU'RE ON THE STREET where emperors marked the world history.

Tempio di Adriano is one of Supova in Roma.

129. Tempio di Adriano

Piazza di Pietra, Rom, Latium
Denkmal · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen

cafePellicolacafePellicola: Also known as Rome Stock Exchange where in 1962 Michelangelo Antonioni shot many of the wildest stock trading scenes for L'eclisse - Eclipse - featuring Alan Delon and Monica Vitti. Mehr erfahren.

Villa Celimontana is one of Supova in Roma.

130. Villa Celimontana

Piazza della Navicella, Rom, Latium
Park · Celio · 19 Tipps und Bewertungen

Elite Club VacanzeElite Club Vacanze: The gardens of the Villa provide a fabulous outdoor venue for a series of summer jazz concerts too. In fact, from July to September, Villa Celimontana hosts Rome's most important jazz festival.

Fontana delle Rane is one of Supova in Roma.

131. Fontana delle Rane

Piazza Mincio, Rom, Latium
Springbrunnen · Trieste · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen
Civita di Bagnoregio is one of Supova in Roma.

132. Civita di Bagnoregio

Bagnoregio, Latium
Dorf · 47 Tipps und Bewertungen

Il Mio LazioIl Mio Lazio: Travel back in time, in this unique, enchanting place! Beetwen the cluster of medieval houses, and the surreal landscape of surrounding white clay canyons. Mehr erfahren.