2.5 mile path that connects 17 historical sites related to American Revolution. Product of Boston columnist Bill Schofield who came up with idea in 1951. Red path added 1958. More tips in blog. <LINK> Mehr erfahren.
More visitors per year than Disneyworld (18 million plus). Contains >140 restaurants, shops, pubs. Market building designed similar to London's Covent Garden w/22' Doric columns. More info in our blog Mehr erfahren.
Area known for preservation of 19th century w/gas lit lamps & window boxes. In 1634 a warning beacon was located atop a hill by MA State House which gave area its name. Full history in blog. <LINK> Mehr erfahren.
Originally known as Bull & Finch Pub in honor of Boston architect Charles Bulfinch. TV show almost based in Kansas City or Barstow, CA. Cliff actually auditioned to play Norm! More info in blog.<LINK> Mehr erfahren.
Area was originally an island separated from Boston via Mill Stream until 17th century. Strong immigrant ties to Irish and Jewish but is best known as "Little Italy" today. Full history in blog.<LINK> Mehr erfahren.
1st public garden in US. Created in 1837 when former Supreme Court Justice Horace Grant donated his camillia collection. Designed by George Meacham who won $100 for efforts. More info via blog. <LINK> Mehr erfahren.
1.3MM visitors per year can't be wrong. Learn about New England #Aquarium via our IWalked blog. Mehr erfahren.
Only church to make AIA's Most Significant Buildings in US. Designed by HH Richardson in 1877. Main tower weighs 9 million pounds! Wedding list is said to be years long. More info via blog Mehr erfahren.