Iosifidis Georgios

Iosifidis Georgios

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Iosifidis Georgios
19 aktualisierte Orte August 25, 2018
19 Orte einschließlich Rodi Bar, El Trapiche, La Carnicería, La Brigada
Iosifidis Georgios
4 aktualisierte Orte
4 Orte einschließlich Liepājas koncertzāle "Lielais Dzintars", MO Liepāja, Darbnīca, BOULANGERIE
Iosifidis Georgios
178 aktualisierte Orte
178 Orte einschließlich Bürgeramt Mitte, Café Gundel, Schmelzpunkt Schokolade & Eiskrem, Go Asia
    "Scenic views of the Lipsoi village. Great location, particularly off season. The harbour cafe is small but equipped with all necessary amenities, boarding the ships is quick and uncomplicated."
    Iosifidis GeorgiosIosifidis Georgios · July 16, 2018
    · Λειψοί, Griechenland
    "Food is great, the ambience excellent and the staff very friendly and helpful. Try the honey feta, the aubergine humus and the beet root tzatziki for starters. The day dishes are recommended as main."
    Iosifidis GeorgiosIosifidis Georgios · July 16, 2018
    · Lipsoi, South Aegean, Griechenland