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Hollywood Walk of Fame

Hollywood Walk of Fame

Hollywood Hills West, Los Angeles
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  • Anna C.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Anna ChojnickiMai 4, 2018
    Wenn man den Sterne folg, merkt man nichts mehr um sich rum. Nach der Suche den Stern zu finden.
  • Jake S.
    Jake SmithAugust 10, 2016
    Did you know: Many of the performers have multiple stars on the walk, for their work in tv, radio, movies, and music industries. Try to find all of your favorite's stars!
  • Lufthansa
    LufthansaMärz 12, 2014
    In 1960 the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce invented the biggest PR campaign after the Hollywood sign: The Walk of Fame! Up to two new Stars are revealed every month along Hollywood Boulevard.
  • PaddyHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    PaddyMärz 16, 2018
    It’s pretty interesting walking around spotting the stars you know and love (as well as those you don’t). It’s a pretty seedy area overall, not as nice as is made out in film and on TV.
    vor 3 Tagen positiv bewertet
  • Glay G.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Glay GonzalezAugust 26, 2018
    Es genial y divertido poder ver las estrellas de los artistas, sin embargo están bastantes sucias las calles. Creo que si estuviera un poco más limpio sería súper bueno!!
  • Mohammed A.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Mohammed Abu HajarFebruar 18, 2015
    To enjoy it and to avoid the crazy crowd go early between 10 am - 3 pm
  • Deniz Y.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Deniz YigitAugust 30, 2017
    Hustler , W hotel , dolby , chinese theatre , marshall yol üzerinde mutlaka uğranılması gerekilen yerler
  • Marteeno S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Marteeno SantosNovember 18, 2015
    En preferible visitarlo cuando el sol se pone. Todo es maravilloso excepto los raperos que se ponen fuera de Virgin Records hoy Hard Rock y tratan de venderte sus discos a como de lugar.
  • Juliana S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Juliana SaaSeptember 7, 2017
    Si es verano asegúrate de ir en la tarde. No te pierdas el Chinesse y Dolby Thatre. Puedes comprar souvenirs baratos y buscar la estrella con tu artista favorito ;)
  • João Bosco C.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Muito interessante e com muitos locais pra conhecer como Dolby Theatre, Madame Tussaud's, Teatro Chinês.
  • ℳ𝒶𝓎♍Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    ℳ𝒶𝓎♍Oktober 7, 2019
    It's fun to see the 'stars' of yesteryear as well as today's, but heck the location gets super busy with masses of tourists. Quick tip: find your favorite chap, take that picture and move right along
  • Taner O.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Taner OJuly 27, 2017
    Meşhur olmak isteyenler mutlaka buraya gelin 😀 Bazen sevdiklerinizle de karşılaşırsınız
  • Derek J.
    Derek JonesSeptember 14, 2014
    If you look down at the stars, then the annoying advertisers, costumed characters, tour guides, and merchandisers will bombard you. You have neen warned.
  • Egor .
    Egor 🐢Mai 2, 2018
    Гнидник. Заточки, дурь, бухло и бомжи. Воняет хуже, чем в Паттайе. Обкуренные негры смачно харькают на тротуар, местные жители быстрым шагом топчут имена кумиров миллионов.
  • Aykut K.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Aykut KılıçSeptember 19, 2017
    Kaldırımlarda insanların yoğunluğu, gösterilerin yapıldığı ve yıldızların olduğu bulvar. Tam turistlik yer. Şimdiden iyi eğlenceler :)
  • Aleka R.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Aleka RoDezember 26, 2018
    You really have fun there, looking for the stars! You should go at night and you can see the lights on. You must go at Universal Studios. This place you can not miss it.
  • Majed A.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Majed AlashariFebruar 16, 2017
    If it is your first time to visit LA you must come here, but be careful as it is full with thieves.
  • Audi
    AudiApril 11, 2011
    You'll likely drive down the world's most famous boulevard before walking it. The Blvd has been home to many car chases, including the famous sequence in Lethal Weapon in which a bus does a 180.
  • Trevor K.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Trevor KentOktober 24, 2014
    Really just a special side walk. Kinda cool but touristy, busy and crowded most of the time. It's fun to read the names and a great date visit to walk close to cars.
  • NmHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    NmMai 11, 2020
    Enjoy looking for your favorite STARS .. One of the world’s most famous streets EVER .. A must to visit while in Los Angeles !!
  • Bruno M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Bruno MaiaOktober 26, 2018
    Lojas incríveis dos amantes de cinemas. Aconselho fazer o tour no ônibus turístico por Hollywood (4 passeios diferentes). Amazing
  • Don K.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Don KaufmanMärz 26, 2016
    A great way to see Hollywood in a hurry! Great adventure in a crazy type of venture. Go in the am. Leave before 9pm and you will be fine!
  • Sadie H.
    Sadie HawkinsJuni 29, 2017
    At first it's very crowded but then you get into this very sketchy neighborhood and all the old Hollywood stars are deep into that neighborhood
  • Moe S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Moe ShehataFebruar 24, 2016
    Great street performers and being able to take pictures of the stars of favourite celebrities is always awesome.
  • Lucky DevilHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Lucky DevilMärz 30, 2016
    Действительно очень много народу. Прямо толпы. На протяжении всей аллеи можно сфотографироваться с людьми, переодетыми в знаменитых актеров и киногероев.
  • Alex C.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Alex CebMärz 31, 2017
    Sorry but not as luxurious as one would think. I saw only one star that I wanted to see. There are a lot of homeless
  • JLHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    JLJuni 28, 2017
    I enjoyed the street performances and vibe more than the stars on the ground. Good walking.
  • Özgür İ.
    Özgür İLBAYNovember 28, 2012
    You should see hollywood wax Museum,universal studios and kodak theatre..but IF U wanna go night Club, my suggestion is Playhouse.. Enjoy your time;)
  • Laur L.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Laur Lo SkiSeptember 26, 2018
    Really cool to see the stars on the walk of fame. DO NOT TAKE A CD IF OFFERED TO YOU IT’S A SCAM AND THEY WON’T LEAVE YOU ALONE TILL YOU PAY THEM!
  • João Paulo R.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    João Paulo RibeiroOktober 27, 2015
    Aproveite os covers e registre as estrela dos seus artistas favoritos, vale a pena ir no começo de todas...
  • Angelo D.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Angelo Di NataleFebruar 8, 2017
    It's rainy tonight, watch where you step. By all means step on Donald's star!
  • Eduardo M.
    Eduardo Molina AnfossiAugust 19, 2011
    Para Los Chilenos!!! Si quieren ver la estrella de Don Francisco, jajaja, está a la altura del 7000 por la vereda sur!!!
  • Sofia S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Sofia ShemiakinaMai 4, 2015
    Звезды на мостовой,много народа,чуть дальше-клубы с упитым и обдолбанным народом. Много магазинов сувенирки и футболко-толстовок
  • g o.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    g oconnorSeptember 22, 2015
    Want fun on the walk? The Scientology folks have a building just off Hollywood and Highland. Wall in and ask if they have an Esperanto translation! Fun! Urdu, too!
  • UCLA
    UCLAJuni 4, 2012
    Visit Grauman's Chinese Theater to see the feet and hand prints of iconic celebrities of Hollywood's heyday, or find your favorites amongst the stars on Hollywood Blvd.
  • CareenHerz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    CareenApril 23, 2018
    Nice place to visit and see some famous hollywood stars have their names and hands on the hollywood floor 😊
  • Jason R.
    Jason RosetteAugust 24, 2012
    Located near the offices of the consulting producers of the new Vietnam war era feature, FREEDOM DEAL, the Walk of Fame is an absolute, iconic must see when visiting Hollywood. Mehr erfahren
  • Julian N.
    Julian NamNovember 25, 2011
    via LA Mag: The 2,400+ black squares with coral stars hold a magnetic appeal for visitors. The squares act as avatars for their honorees and, unlike them, never mind posing.
  • Los Angeles
    Los AngelesAugust 1, 2013
    The best way to see your favorite celebrities up close and personal is to check out the star-dedication ceremonies. They are typically held twice a month.
  • Rachna V.
    Rachna VashisthaJuly 12, 2013
    Wonderful many things to see and eat.
  • Joel H.
    Joel HortonApril 8, 2011
    Christina spans many genres of music including Pop, Dance Pop, Soul, Alternative, Blues, Jazz, R&B, Rock, House, Gospel, Electronica, Rap, Spanish, Christmas, Hip Hop, Indie, Classical, Soundtrack etc
  • Eduardo R.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Eduardo RangelJuly 18, 2018
    Uno de los puntos turísticos imperdibles de Los Ángeles. Cuídate del calor, la aglomeración de turistas y los precios de los teatros.
  • Robert C.
    Robert CarbonellFebruar 1, 2019
    Nice to know and look for your favorite stars, but too touristic. I had a feeling of being observed all the time and didn’t feel comfortable at all.
  • Turner Classic Movies
    Turner Classic MoviesApril 11, 2012
    Gene Autry is the only person to have been honored with all five possible stars, for his contribution in each of the 5 categories: Motion Picture, Television, Recording, Radio, and Live Theater.
  • Van N.
    Van N.Februar 20, 2014
    It was fun to see all the stars along the walkway and to see the many people who dress as characters from various movies. Not sure of I would want to be there at night. Seemed a bit sketchy.
  • Jinnie L.
    Jinnie LSeptember 30, 2014
    Plenty of street performers. Don't forget to tip them when u take picture with them. Lots of tourists..very crowded..
  • Kim M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Kim McMärz 29, 2013
    Visited Cali to attend cousin's wedding. Seen the Kodak Theater, Walk of fame, Hollywood sign. when I watch stars at Kodak theater, I can say I was there. Took lots of pics.
  • Luis S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Luis ShimabukuroJuly 16, 2015
    Calçada da fama com os nomes de vários atores em uma estrela. Só a curiosidade de ver porque está sempre cheio de pessoas!!! hahahaha
  • Christina L.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Christina LouiseDezember 6, 2019
    Lots to see on Hollywood Boulevard, but much better, and probably safer, in the daytime.
  • Томуся ♏Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Томуся ♏Oktober 17, 2019
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    One love несмотря на толпу и движение, тут никогда не скучно!Ешьте хот доги у мексиканцев за 5$ пальчики оближешь!
Fotos12.225 Fotos

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