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Hilton Garden Inn

Hilton Garden Inn

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  • Jen S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Jen SJuni 5, 2015
    Affordable breakfast buffet with scrambled eggs, sausage, oatmeal, fruit, cereal, pastries (made to order omelettes, waffles, and pancakes are extra).
  • AT&T
    AT&TFebruar 21, 2012
    Another reason to stay at this Hilton Garden Inn: AT&T Wi-Fi is one of the many great amenities for guests. Look for the Stay Connected program. It’s free, fast and easy to connect.
  • Bryce H.
    Bryce HudnallJuly 2, 2013
    Im not sure why someone tipped about bad matresses/pillows...cause they were off the chain! So good!
  • R
    RJuly 13, 2011
    The two best meals on the menu are the chicken parm and the caesar salad with salmon. Try these!
  • Kevin B.
    Kevin BullardApril 5, 2014
    What a great hotel and right off of I35...super convenient
  • Kevin B.
    Kevin BullardMai 4, 2014
    Best breakfast chef in state. Asian gentleman is a real prize!
  • Chris R.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Chris RApril 30, 2018
    Nice place to stay.
  • Denis B.
    Denis BatrankovOktober 13, 2013
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    Cool view from room 414
  • Bradley A.
    Bradley AldridgeJuly 8, 2012
    The workers at the desk are very helpful
  • Drew G.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Drew GoldenJuni 8, 2014
    Staff extremely pleasant!
  • Stuart H.
    Stuart HattoDezember 3, 2013
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    View from 412
  • Hunter M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Hunter McLeroyMai 26, 2014
    Water pressure sucks. Had horrible shower. And I came here a couple years ago and breakfast was free, now it's $13.00. Ridiculous.
  • Janelle C.
    Janelle CachopoJuni 7, 2013
    Terrible beds and pillows
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