North Bay Faves
Russian River Brewing Company is one of North Bay Faves.

1. Russian River Brewing Company

725 4th St (btwn D & E St.), Santa Rosa, CA
Brauerei · 326 Tipps und Bewertungen

ninanina: People know Santa Rosa because of Snoopy, Guy Fieri (uhg) and the Russian River Brewing Company.

The Spinster Sisters is one of North Bay Faves.

2. The Spinster Sisters

401 S A St (Sebastapol), Santa Rosa, CA
Restaurant · 46 Tipps und Bewertungen

ninanina: Share a few of the plates with a friend. This place is adorable and reminds me of my two homes: fancy Brooklyn and laid-back Santa Rosa.

Korbel Winery is one of North Bay Faves.

3. Korbel Winery

13250 River Rd, Guerneville, CA
Weinkeller · 27 Tipps und Bewertungen
Wildflour Bakery is one of North Bay Faves.

4. Wildflour Bakery

140 Bohemian Hwy, Freestone, CA
Bäckerei · 44 Tipps und Bewertungen
Florence Ave Sculptures is one of North Bay Faves.

5. Florence Ave Sculptures

328 Florence Ave, Sebastopol, CA
Kunstgalerie · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen

ninanina: My friends and I used to call this, "The Place with the Things." Patrick Amiot's whimsical sculptures line this residential street. It's one of my favorite things about Sebastopol.

Screamin' Mimi's is one of North Bay Faves.

6. Screamin' Mimi's

6902 Sebastopol Ave, Sebastopol, CA
Eisdiele · 41 Tipps und Bewertungen

ninanina: Before or after a beach trip to Bodega, grab an ice cream cone!

Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve is one of North Bay Faves.

7. Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve

17000 Armstrong Woods Rd, Guerneville, CA
Staatlicher oder regionaler Park · 29 Tipps und Bewertungen

8. Fort Ross State Historic Park

19005 Coast Highway One, Jenner, CA
Staatlicher oder regionaler Park · 8 Tipps und Bewertungen
Bodega Head is one of North Bay Faves.

9. Bodega Head

West Side Road, Bodega Bay, CA
Wanderweg · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen

ninanina: Amazing views of an amazing place.

The Potter School is one of North Bay Faves.

10. The Potter School

17110 Bodega Ln., Bodega, CA
Bildung · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen

ninanina: If you recognize this, you must have seen The Birds.

11. Salmon Creek Beach South

Whaleship Rd, Bodega Bay, CA
Strand · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

ninanina: From hwy 1, make a left onto Bean Road. It's pretty nondescript, so you might miss it. Past all the adorable beach homes, at the end of the road is a nice parking lot and beautiful beach access.

Gourmet au Bay is one of North Bay Faves.

12. Gourmet au Bay

1412 Bay Flat Rd, Bodega Bay, CA
Fischrestaurant · 8 Tipps und Bewertungen
The Girl & The Fig is one of North Bay Faves.

13. The Girl & The Fig

110 W Spain St (at 1st St W), Sonoma, CA
Französisches Restaurant · 253 Tipps und Bewertungen
Oxbow Public Market is one of North Bay Faves.

14. Oxbow Public Market

610 1st St (at McKinstry St), Napa, CA
Bauernmarkt · Central Napa · 151 Tipps und Bewertungen
Point Reyes Lighthouse is one of North Bay Faves.

15. Point Reyes Lighthouse

27000 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Inverness, CA
Leuchtturm · 35 Tipps und Bewertungen
Marin French Cheese Company is one of North Bay Faves.

16. Marin French Cheese Company

7500 Red Hill Rd (Novato Blvd), Petaluma, CA
Käsegeschäft · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen
The Kitchen Door is one of North Bay Faves.

17. The Kitchen Door

610 1st St, Napa, CA
Neuamerikanisches Restaurant · Central Napa · 45 Tipps und Bewertungen
Paradise Ridge Winery - Santa Rosa Estate Tasting Room is one of North Bay Faves.

18. Paradise Ridge Winery - Santa Rosa Estate Tasting Room

4545 Thomas Lake Harris Dr, Santa Rosa, CA
Weinkeller · 18 Tipps und Bewertungen
Charles M. Schulz Museum & Research Center is one of North Bay Faves.

19. Charles M. Schulz Museum & Research Center

2301 Hardies Ln (at W Steele Ln), Santa Rosa, CA
Museum · 52 Tipps und Bewertungen
Russian River is one of North Bay Faves.

20. Russian River

Guerneville, CA
Fluss · 8 Tipps und Bewertungen
Burke's Russian River Canoes is one of North Bay Faves.

21. Burke's Russian River Canoes

8600 River Rd, Forestville, CA
Campingplatz · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen

22. Santa Rosa Rural Cemetary

Franklin Ave. (btwn. Poppy Dr. & Terrace Wy.), Santa Rosa, CA
Friedhof · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen

ninanina: One of my favorite haunts for a nice walk or morbid picnic.

Steep Ravine Trail is one of North Bay Faves.

23. Steep Ravine Trail

Bolinas, CA
Wanderweg · 1 Tipp
Dipsea Trail is one of North Bay Faves.

24. Dipsea Trail

Old Mill Park (Cascade), Mill Valley, CA
Wanderweg · 6 Tipps und Bewertungen
Sol Food Puerto Rican Cuisine is one of North Bay Faves.

25. Sol Food Puerto Rican Cuisine

901 Lincoln Ave (at 3rd St), San Rafael, CA
Lateinamerikanische Restaurants · Downtown San Rafael · 259 Tipps und Bewertungen
Point Bonita Lighthouse is one of North Bay Faves.

26. Point Bonita Lighthouse

End of Field Rd (Marin Headlands), Sausalito, CA
Leuchtturm · 31 Tipps und Bewertungen
Kirby Cove is one of North Bay Faves.

27. Kirby Cove

Marin Headlands (Golden Gate National Recreation Area), Sausalito, CA
Strand · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen
Heath Ceramics is one of North Bay Faves.

28. Heath Ceramics

400 Gate 5 Rd, Sausalito, CA
Kunsthandwerksladen · Marinship · 9 Tipps und Bewertungen
The Barlow is one of North Bay Faves.

29. The Barlow

McKinley Street, Sebastopol, CA
Markt · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen