Glorelys Mora-Liz

Glorelys Mora-Liz


New York, NY
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Glorelys Mora-Liz
0 aktualisierte Orte
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Glorelys Mora-Liz
10 aktualisierte Orte
10 Orte einschließlich TAO Downtown, Harlem Public, The Chipped Cup, 107 West
    "The Chipped Cup is cozy but, there aren't any food options besides bagels. The Belgian Hot Chocolate is great. Also, after 2 hours of free Wi-Fi they force you to buy something else for more Wi-Fi :/"
    Glorelys Mora-LizGlorelys Mora-Liz · November 7, 2013
    Coffee Shop
    · New York City, USA
    "Amazing burgers!"
    Glorelys Mora-LizGlorelys Mora-Liz · July 31, 2012
    · New York City, USA