Hier siehst du einige beliebte Tipps in Oborishte. Wähle eine Vorliebe, um noch mehr anzuzeigen:

Foursquare hilft dir dabei, die perfekten Orte in Oborishte für dich und deine Freunde zu finden:

  • 9.0


    Bäckerei ул. Оборище 16 Sofia, Sofia-Stadt

    Leute sagen außerdem (77 Tipps):

    • Sanya S.
      Sanya Stefanova: "One of my favourite spot for weekend. The daily menu is tasty. The coffee is good, the desserts and all kinds of banitsa are awesome."
  • 9.1

    5L Speakeasy Bar

    Underground Bar ул. Цар Шишман Sofia, Sofia-Stadt

    Leute sagen außerdem (31 Tipps):

    • Petya G.
      Petya Grozdarska: "Awesome idea and good execution of a speakeasy bar. They have pretty cool cocktails. Can you guess the password?"
  • 9.6

    Народен театър "Иван Вазов" (I

    Theater ул. Дякон Игнатий 5 Sofia, Sofia-Stadt

    Leute sagen außerdem (74 Tipps):

    • Juanxito G.
      Juanxito Gómez: "This theater is so beautiful with red, white and gold colours. Also there is a park in front, with a beautiful fountain where you can relax and take a walk."
  • 9.4

    Докторска градина

    Park Krakra St. Sofia, Sofia-Stadt

    Leute sagen außerdem (41 Tipps):

    • Dan M.
      Dan Millard: "Lovely renovated gardens, great for with kids and lovely, lively atmosphere in the summer!"
  • 9.1

    Franco's Pizza

    Pizzeria бул. Витоша 65 Sofia, Sofia-Stadt

    Leute sagen außerdem (108 Tipps):

    • Alen D.
      Alen Dedic: "Es ist ein Restaurant. Es ist 2023. Und die akzeptieren keine Karten! So unglaublich blöd und kundenunfreundlich!"
  • 9.3

    Elephant Bookstore

    Buchhandlung 31 Shishman St. Sofia, Sofia-Stadt

    Leute sagen außerdem (58 Tipps):

    • Debbie
      Debbie: "Cool, creative and clever selection of products. A lot of amazing books in english and cute notebooks. Perfect place to get some unique gifts."

Über diese Orte reden die Leute in Oborishte:

  • 9.3

    Градинката пред Народен театър

    Park ул. Дякон Игнатий 5 Sofia, Sofia-Stadt

    Leute sagen außerdem (137 Tipps):

    • Borislav S.
      Borislav Strundzhev: "Awesome for spring-2-autumn meet up place. Cool to have a beer with friends or play chess during the day. And in addition with the beautiful theater building nearby and the fountain ⛲."
    • Will V.
      Will Vandom: "Best place to hang out in the summer. There's Costa right across it and Subway near by. Also the ice-cream is to die for (must try bubble gum)."
  • 9.2

    100 Beers

    Bier-Shop ул “Юрий Венелин” 1 Sofia, Sofia-Stadt

    Leute sagen außerdem (19 Tipps):

    • Karin G.
      Karin Gattringer: "Great recommendation by the staff! Try the local craft beer."
    • Brian
      Brian: "Best selection of quality imported beers in Sofia!"
  • 9.0

    Парк Военна академия "Г. С. Раковски"

    Park бул. Евлоги Георгиев 137-153 Sofia, Sofia-Stadt

    Leute sagen außerdem (20 Tipps):

    • Dan M.
      Dan Millard: "Peaceful, quiet, secluded park. Nice for a short walk in the centre of the city!"
    • Maria E.
      Maria E: "Very chill and quiet park. Lots of green and not so many people. Watch out for curious squirrels :)"

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