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Hier siehst du einige beliebte Tipps in Flamingo-Lummus. Wähle eine Vorliebe, um noch mehr anzuzeigen:

Foursquare hilft dir dabei, die perfekten Orte in Flamingo-Lummus für dich und deine Freunde zu finden:

  • 9.2

    Yardbird Southern Table & Bar

    Südstaaten-Restaurant 1600 Lenox Ave Miami Beach, FL

    Leute sagen außerdem (493 Tipps):

  • 9.2


    Peruanisches Restaurant 1119 16th St Miami Beach, FL

    Leute sagen außerdem (76 Tipps):

    • Ha D.
      Ha Diem: "My first ever ceviche experience and I loved it! Had the salmon tartare, the suviche and the suviche roll. Everything was so fresh and light. Love how they offer half sushi rolls."
  • 9.1

    UNTITLED. Art Fair

    Kunstgalerie 12 th & Ocean Miami Beach, FL

    Leute sagen außerdem (10 Tipps):

    • Holly H.
      Holly Hager: "Don't miss Skull Sessions--Tim Hyde, Saul Melman & Andreas Galvani will draw you into the conversation of a lifetime at their specially constructed polygonal table!"
  • 9.1


    Italienisches Restaurant 820 Alton Rd Miami Beach, FL

    Leute sagen außerdem (66 Tipps):

    • Michelle
      Michelle: "Amazing handmade pasta: get the Cavatelli Macchialina. Go on Thursdays for $10 pasta night. Also get the tiramisu- interesting, different and delicious"
  • 9.0

    Wine & Vino Boutique

    Weinhandlung 1110 15th street Miami Beach, FL

    Leute sagen außerdem (24 Tipps):

    • Regina C.
      Regina Contos: "Love Wine & Vino! Great boutique wine , beer, champagne store! Walking distance from anywhere South Beach! That's what we love about South Beach , it's unique people, places , scenes, stores...."
  • 9.5

    South Beach Night Life

    Bar Ocean's Drive Miami, FL

    Leute sagen außerdem (8 Tipps):

    • Caroline W.
      Caroline Wilson: "Amazing place for hangout!! The laid-back atmosphere and live music create a relaxed vibe that's perfect for a casual night out."

Über diese Orte reden die Leute in Flamingo-Lummus:

  • 9.2

    Whole Foods Market

    Lebensmittelgeschäft 1020 Alton Rd Miami Beach, FL

    Leute sagen außerdem (133 Tipps):

    • Fluying ✅.
      Fluying ✅: "Everything is amazing. Market includes from fresh veggies to vitamins, to great flours, fresh juices, and a wide variation of world wide cheese."
    • Jacob H.
      Jacob Hurst: "Great fresh and local foods at the hot bar and best beer selection in south beach. The store gets very busy and crowded in the early evening when people begin heading home from work."
  • 8.9

    Lummus Park

    Park Ocean Dr Miami Beach, FL

    Leute sagen außerdem (46 Tipps):

    • Mariana G.
      Mariana Guedes: "Perfect for a bike or skate ride. You can also go to the playground with the kids, hit the amazing park just outside the beach, where you also find the showers."
    • Stacey~Marie
      Stacey~Marie: "Amazing park overlooking South Beach! The palm trees, ocean views, sexy bods & people watching all make this park worth checking out."
  • 8.9

    Total Wine & More

    Weinhandlung 1139 5th St Miami Beach, FL

    Leute sagen außerdem (5 Tipps):

    • Pablo V.
      Pablo Vila: "10$ coupon in Facebook is a scam. They ask for name and email and never received coupon. Nice manners for a new store!!!"
    • Mack
      Mack: "Many kind of alcohol."

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