Christine L.

Christine L.


Austin, TX
  • 2 Tipps
  • 77 Anhänger
  • 83 Folgst du
  • 18 Listen

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Top-Städte von Christine
New York
1 Tipp
1 Tipp
Aktuelle Listen von Christine
Christine L.
9 aktualisierte Orte
9 Orte einschließlich Mission Chinese Food, The Ten Bells, Little Prince, Vanessa's Dumpling House
Christine L.
22 aktualisierte Orte
22 Orte einschließlich JuiceLand, Museum of Fine Arts Houston, Alamo Drafthouse Village, Kiwami Ramen
Christines ListenListen, die Christine erstellt hatListen, denen Christine folgt
"Super friendly staff! Loved the chocolate mint tea and free wifi. For just $5 per person, you can borrow as many games as you want and hang out for as long as you want - open 'til midnight!"
Christine L.Christine L. · Oktober 30, 2013
Gamer Café
· New York City, USA
"Get the multigrain bagel with salmon and chive cream cheese. Not on the menu, but oh so delicious!"
Christine L.Christine L. · April 17, 2012
· Philadelphia, USA