Neo Coffee Bar
Café · $
61 Spadina Av (King St W)
"They serve a FANTASTIC espresso martini"
Cafe Landwer
33 Bloor St E (Yonge)
"Brunch is delicious with crispy potatoes!"
912 Bloor Street
"Really good coffee, nice sized portion and the banana bread is tasty."
Trinity Bellwoods Park
1053 Dundas St. W. (at Gore Vale Ave.)
"Picknick Decke mitnehmen, Picknick packen und Hipster bestaunen"
Trillium Park
Ontario Pl Blvd
"Beautiful place."
Daka's Cafe Life
Erstellt von Matt Walton (Daka Sky)138 Dinge • 1 Anhänger
Erstellt von Sheida Saffari11 Dinge
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