Places to Visit in South Korea

1. Gyeongbokgung Palace

Unkategorisiert · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
National Museum of Korea is one of Places to Visit in South Korea.

2. National Museum of Korea

용산구 서빙고로 137, Seoul, 서울특별시
Museum · 서빙고동 · 144 Tipps und Bewertungen
Korean Demilitarized Zone is one of Places to Visit in South Korea.

3. Korean Demilitarized Zone

(한반도 비무장지대 (DMZ))
문산읍 마정리, 파주시, 경기도
Militärbasis · 22 Tipps und Bewertungen
Lotte World Mall is one of Places to Visit in South Korea.

4. Lotte World Mall

송파구 올림픽로 300, 송파구, 서울특별시
Einkaufszentrum · 97 Tipps und Bewertungen
Lotte World Adventure is one of Places to Visit in South Korea.

5. Lotte World Adventure

(롯데월드 어드벤쳐)
송파구 올림픽로 240, Seoul, 서울특별시
Vergnügungspark · 롯데월드 · 186 Tipps und Bewertungen
Yeouido Park - King SeJong Monument is one of Places to Visit in South Korea.

6. Yeouido Park - King SeJong Monument

(여의도공원 세종대왕상)
영등포구 여의공원로 68, Seoul, 서울특별시
Denkmal · 여의도동 · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen
Han River is one of Places to Visit in South Korea.

7. Han River

강서구 가양1동 (공항철도 마곡대교, 올림픽대로, 양천향교역 부근), Seoul, 서울특별시
Fluss · 가양1동 · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen
Starfield COEX Mall is one of Places to Visit in South Korea.

8. Starfield COEX Mall

(스타필드 코엑스몰)
강남구 영동대로 513, Seoul, 서울특별시
Einkaufszentrum · 삼성1동 · 112 Tipps und Bewertungen
Gangnam Stn. is one of Places to Visit in South Korea.

9. Gangnam Stn.

강남구 강남대로 지하396 (2호선, 신분당선), Seoul, 서울특별시
U-Bahnhof · 서초2동 · 95 Tipps und Bewertungen
Noryangjin Stn. is one of Places to Visit in South Korea.

10. Noryangjin Stn.

동작구 노량진로 151 (1호선, 9호선), Seoul, 서울특별시
U-Bahnhof · 노량진1동 · 59 Tipps und Bewertungen