Bergen Street Comics

Bergen Street Comics

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Comicbuchladen, Buchhandlung und Hobbyladen
North Slope, Brooklyn
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  • Vor kurzem
  • Stevan M.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Stevan MilesevicAugust 8, 2014
    Charming little comic book store in the heart of Brooklyn, has all the mainstream stuff as well as lots of indie and even some European titles.
  • Ben G.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Ben GageJuni 7, 2015
    I love this place. They carry just about anything id want from very popular stuff to small releases from up and coming artists.
  • Pablo M.
    Pablo MartinezJanuar 31, 2013
    Small in space, but great in overall decor. I've been to some events here and had some great times. Another great comic book store to visit and buy.
  • J G.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    J GlennApril 4, 2014
    This is a great shop. With its focus on Indies and trades it's a place for the reader looking for that one great book. Or those ten great books.
  • Compass
    CompassMai 20, 2014
    In addition to the formidable shelf stock, the bookstore hosts lecture series, signings, and new talent nights featuring aspiring indie publishers and artists.
  • Michael R.
    Michael R.April 14, 2011
    I was there for the first time this past Saturday. This is the best comics store in Brooklyn now, everything Rocket Ship (formerly on Smith St.) should have been but never was. Great place & staff!
  • Kyle B.
    Kyle Barron-CohenApril 1, 2012
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    The best comic shop in Brooklyn. They've helped me rediscover my love for these magnificent picture books. Spend all your money here.
  • Jeremy W.
    Jeremy WilcoxAugust 8, 2014
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    Most kid-friendly comic shop in the city. This is also the best place to do Free Comic Book Day.
  • Adam C.
    Adam CunninghamOktober 11, 2010
    Check out the Music of DC Comics 75th Anniv Collection! 31 tracks of themes from Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc! Many songs have never been available before now and the CD includes a DC poster! Mehr erfahren
  • Ryan S.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Ryan SwiftNovember 6, 2010
    Schon mehr als 100 Mal hier gewesen
    Don't forget to check out the indy and international comics in the back of the store, it's a wonderfully curated selection. Ask for recommendations from the awesome staff!
  • David B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    David BrahlerDezember 19, 2014
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    Don't expect to find super heroes, but flawed characters written and illustrated by the best indie artisans.
  • Rahadyan S.
    Rahadyan SastrowardoyoSeptember 29, 2011
    Tom and Amy Adams are the best! Bergen Street Comics has a great thirdspace (i.e., where everybody knows your name) vibe going on. Great events!
  • Tom C.
    Tom CasielloDezember 31, 2011
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    Best comic shop in the five boroughs - warm, friendly, comfortable and knowledgeable...Tom/Amy/Tucker are the best!
  • Billy H.
    Billy HenehanOktober 16, 2013
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    Buy the Copra Compendiums, which Bergen Street Comics co-publishes. Excellent comic.
  • Village Voice
    Village VoiceOktober 25, 2012
    Readers' Poll winner of The Village Voice Best of NYC 2012 Best Comic Book Store!
  • Andrew R.
    Andrew RappoOktober 12, 2013
    Quite a swanky place, able to pick up a book and read in comfort.
  • Michael C.
    Michael CalleiaApril 15, 2013
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    Not sure what to get. Ask the super helpful staff--their recommendation are always right on target.
  • David B.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    David BrahlerDezember 19, 2014
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    The best comic book shop in Brooklyn, maybe the world?
  • Tom C.
    Tom CasielloDezember 31, 2011
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    Best comic shop in the city. Warm, comfortable, friendly, and Tom/Amy/Tucker are awesome!
  • Abi A.
    Abi AzrenMärz 15, 2012
    Staff is uber helpful! Have some chat with other people around. They shared the same interest as yours
  • Chris H.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Chris HambyApril 12, 2010
    Schon mehr als 25 Mal hier gewesen
    Go to Bergen Street Comics and enjoy a great collection and friendly staff. Ask for something if you don't see it!
    GNTLMNJuly 22, 2012
    The best and coolest comic store in NYC. - DJ Mick Boogie
  • iFanboy
    iFanboySeptember 20, 2010
    Check out the sweet original art on display in one of New York's best comic book stores.
    GNTLMNJuni 21, 2012
    The best and coolest comic store in NYC.
  • Hodgman Comma John
    Hodgman Comma JohnOktober 23, 2011
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    Real live Cliff Chiang art on the walls. Tom and Amy=BEST
  • Scott S.
    Scott St. MarieAugust 9, 2010
    Incredibly helpful staff, especially for a comic neophyte like me!
  • martha d.
    martha dentonOktober 17, 2015
    They are no longer open 😢
  • rik p.
    rik panganibanNovember 22, 2009
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    Their collection is very curated. Ask the owners Tom & Amy for a recommendation! Mehr erfahren
  • imtopher
    imtopherJanuar 23, 2010
    Great people, be sure to let them know what you're interested in!
  • Jevaun H.
    Jevaun HowellMärz 9, 2011
    Not much of a tip, more of a declaration: This place is AWESOME!
  • @mik3caprio
    @mik3caprioDezember 15, 2009
    Chat with the exceedingly knowledgeable staff!
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