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Best Underground Bars
Dicky's is one of Best Underground Bars.

1. Dicky's

791 Meigs St (Caroline), Rochester, NY
Nachbarkneipe · 25 Tipps und Bewertungen

Shannon E.Shannon Ealy: From the outside it looks like a sidestreet dive, but inside it's a secret haven for Rochester hipsters. Apparently, they have a great brunch on Sundays.

Noonans Bar & Grill is one of Best Underground Bars.

2. Noonans Bar & Grill

3170 Lake Ave (Revere St), Rochester, NY
Bar · Charlotte · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen

Shannon E.Shannon Ealy: Step up for some $2 tots and Purple Jocularity at this Charlotte hotspot, and you can head to the back deck for a smoky treat

3. Snuggery's

380 S Union St, Spencerport, NY
Bar · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Hogan's Hideaway is one of Best Underground Bars.

4. Hogan's Hideaway

197 Park Ave (btwn Rowley & Goodman St S), Rochester, NY
Amerikanisches Restaurant · 22 Tipps und Bewertungen

Shannon E.Shannon Ealy: Just like the name suggests...