Italy food
Pizza e Mozzarella is one of Italy food.

1. Pizza e Mozzarella

Via di Piè di Marmo 32, Rom, Latium
Pizzeria · 35 Tipps und Bewertungen
Filter Coffee Lab is one of Italy food.

2. Filter Coffee Lab

Via Santa Maria 30, Pisa, Toskana
Coffee Shop · 105 Tipps und Bewertungen
Soup in Town is one of Italy food.

3. Soup in Town

Veganes und vegetarisches Restaurant · 24 Tipps und Bewertungen
Da Michele is one of Italy food.

4. Da Michele

Via Cappuccina 177, Venedig, Venetien
Pizzeria · Mestre · 53 Tipps und Bewertungen
Dal Moro‘s Fresh Pasta To Go is one of Italy food.

5. Dal Moro‘s Fresh Pasta To Go

Calle de la Casseleria, 5324 (Calle de la Passion), Venedig, Venetien
Italienisches Restaurant · Castello · 611 Tipps und Bewertungen
Corte Fiorina is one of Italy food.

6. Corte Fiorina

Via Bovara 17, Lecco, Lombardei
Trattoria · 12 Tipps und Bewertungen