University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee


At UW-Milwaukee, life on campus goes beyond the classroom. UWM provides many opportunities for the campus community to engage in a wide variety of events and activities. Use foursquare to explore the UWM campus and connect with fellow Panthers.

Milwaukee, WI · Superuser-Symbol?Placemaker Level 2
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University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
10 aktualisierte Orte Januar 27, 2012
10 Orte einschließlich UWM Union Theater, UWM Bookstore, UWM Union Rec Center, UW Credit Union
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
4 aktualisierte Orte März 5, 2012
4 Orte einschließlich UWM Kenilworth Square East, Kenilworth Square Apartments, UWM Cambridge Commons, UWM RiverView Residence Hall
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
16 aktualisierte Orte September 1, 2011
16 Orte einschließlich Downer Woods, Sandburg Tennis Courts, Sandburg Basketball Courts, UWM Greene Hall
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
15 aktualisierte Orte Oktober 26, 2011
15 Orte einschließlich UWM Golda Meir Library, UWM Library Grind, Mitchell Hall, UWM Pearse Hall
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
11 aktualisierte Orte September 1, 2011
11 Orte einschließlich UWM Geology Computer Lab, UWM Chemistry Building, UWM Lapham Hall, UWM Manfred Olson Planetarium
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
15 aktualisierte Orte Oktober 26, 2011
15 Orte einschließlich Downer Woods, UWM Golda Meir Library, UWM Klotsche Center & Pavilion, UWM Lapham Hall
    "UWM welcomes our newest members to the Panther Family! Enjoy New Student Orientation."
    "Welcome to Open House! Be sure to check out all three floors in the Union & take a trolley ride that tours the east side."
    · Milwaukee, USA
    "Don't walk out in the cold -- Holton, Merrill, Johnston and Greene Hall all connect."
    University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee · September 12, 2011
    · Milwaukee, USA
    "Don't walk out in the cold -- Holton, Merrill, Johnston and Greene Hall all connect."
    University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee · September 12, 2011
    · Milwaukee, USA
    "Go to the lower level of the UWM Student Union for billiards, bowling, table tennis and a wide variety of electronic gaming."
    · Milwaukee, USA
    "Avoid walking alone, especially at night: call B.O.S.S. (414) 229-6503"
    · Milwaukee, USA