Cayla Bartolucci

Cayla Bartolucci

Hickory Creek, TX
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Cayla Bartolucci
8 aktualisierte Orte
8 Orte einschließlich Wine², La Di Da / ShoeFly, The LABB Sports Bar and Lounge, Kwik Kar
Cayla Bartolucci
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    "The soda machine near the elevators is 25 cents cheaper than the one near Student Records!"
    Cayla BartolucciCayla Bartolucci · Dezember 15, 2011
    · Denton, USA
    "Great place to get drinks after work but remember to stop before 8p or you'll end up sleeping on the floor in the ladies bathroom."
    Cayla BartolucciCayla Bartolucci · Oktober 6, 2011
    · Denton, USA
    "Olive says: "Unless you pay rent here, don't park in the driveway. Street parking for guests! Oh and meow and shit.""
    Cayla BartolucciCayla Bartolucci · July 2, 2011
    Zuhause (privat)
    · USA
    "Up for a game of croquet or bocce ball?! This house offers both!"
    Cayla BartolucciCayla Bartolucci · Juni 5, 2011
    Zuhause (privat)
    · USA