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The UNH campus tour provides an overview of campus life and academic opportunities. Schedule and plan your visit with us online at or call (603) 862-1360.
UNH Dining Services provides students, faculty and staff with a variety of healthy, tasty options at almost any hour of the day or night. There are 8 retail locations and a variety of payment options.
University Transportation Services at UNH maintains a safe and orderly environment for travelers to and around campus while also providing a broad range of transportation programs & services.
"Home of the Business and Economics College at UNH. Enjoy a coffee from Starbucks, bask in the sunshine while you study and meet friends for study groups. It's all here!"
"Home of the Business and Economics College at UNH. First floor has a massive, modern study area, Starbucks, and plenty of outlets to charge your mobile devices. Bask in the sunshine while you study!"
"Saturday, May 18th, 2013 at 12:30 pm. Department of Civil Engineering Post-Commencement Refreshments in North Lobby. Contact: Michelle Mancini at 862-1428."
"Saturday, May 18th, 2013 at 12:30 pm. Department of Mechanical Engineering Graduation Celebration Luncheon in South Lobby. Contact: Tracey Harvey at 862-1353."