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- B ZeidsMai 1, 2013Great make your own trail mix station in the back with great ingredients- hazelnuts, white chocolate chips, wasabi peas :) and the baklava is great too! Free coffee for nyu students if you spend $10!
- Dried fruits, trail mix, candies & spices sold at wholesale! Make your own giant bag of custom trail mix for less than $5!
- Pick up a bag of your favorite nut & fruit mix to snack on at your work/desk. It will fill you with nutritious energy throughout the day and keep you focused.
- Dorottya Lovy-CsegeziSeptember 22, 2011The white chocolate mocha is simply perfect! Not too sweet like usual. I'll be back! :)
- Joe BorrelliMärz 30, 2013Between the milk chocolate macadamia nuts and the barbecue corn chips, my attempts to lose weight are screwed
- Good selection, reasonable prices, yummy gelato, nice staff... it's all good!
- Was this placed named by Beavis & Butthead? Good selection of nuts nonetheless. (3 of 4 petals via Fondu) Mehr erfahren
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