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The Fresh Market

The Fresh Market

Symbol für Tipps und Bewertungen14 Tipps und Bewertungen
  • yogurt drink
  • bangers
  • filet mignon
  • fresh fruit juice
  • sushi
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  • Ashscallion
    AshscallionJuni 28, 2012
    Try the quinoa salad at the prepared foods counter... Coconut, edamame, red peppers, quinoa... Delicious.
  • Zoe L.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Zoe LouisDezember 21, 2014
    Schon mehr als 5 Mal hier gewesen
    This is my favorite grocery store there sushi is really good
  • Shannon K.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Shannon KelleherOktober 25, 2014
    Love it here! Better than whole foods. They need to build one on the northshore
  • Rebecca
    RebeccaJuly 17, 2011
    Nice organic vegetable and fruit and wine selection! Perfect for making fresh juice at home.
  • Farhana C.
    Farhana CannonJuni 2, 2012
    Try Dahlicious Lassi. Amazing yogurt drink with 3x as many probiotics as regular yogurts.
  • Kevin S.
    Kevin SchiffmanApril 19, 2010
    The best meat counter and deil! Filet Mignon skewers are amazing! Twice Baked Potatos! Sun Dried Tomato Pasta Salad! Seafood counter is great too!
  • Jake S.
    Jake SmithJanuar 13, 2012
    Go to the deli section and order one of their special sandwiches. Some feature pork!
  • Glenn M.
    Glenn MartinApril 30, 2012
    Schon mehr als 10 Mal hier gewesen
    They have exactly 4 Bangers (irish sausage) a day, And they are awesome.
  • anastasia c.
    anastasia cooperApril 8, 2011
    Schon mehr als 50 Mal hier gewesen
    Create your own 6-pack, freshly made tasty desserts, & great meat/seafood selecftions!
  • Kevin S.
    Kevin SchiffmanMärz 28, 2010
    Can't wait! Opens April 7th!!! Went to one in Boca Raton FL! Awesome produce, deli, meat and seafood counter! Should do really well here!
  • Sandra P.
    Sandra ParksAugust 7, 2011
    Must get the Greater's Ice Cream. Beyond delicious.
  • Steve L.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Steve L.November 5, 2012
    Get the bourbon coated pecans.
  • Steve L.Herz-Symbol auf Nutzerbild
    Steve L.Oktober 29, 2012
    They have the best chicken salad!
  • Jules C.
    Jules CFDezember 31, 2011
    Schon mehr als 50 Mal hier gewesen
    Don't get here before 9!! It's not open!
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