The best donuts in town, The Library is serving a wide selection of flavors, my personal favorites are Caramel and the BANANA which is designed in an adorable Minions shape. A must try!
I've fallen in love with this place like 2 years ago, we visited it quite often with my two super well-behaved dogs. Today they didn't let me in with the same dogs.. Thank you, this was my last visit!
OMG this is place is just awesome! Wide selection of fancy-looking and tasty donuts in a cozy little place! Ideal for working as well! The only problem is the lack of CC acceptance!
Just a great place for a good donut with a variety of flavors. As there are only a few tables, it can happened that you can find a place to seat but you can always go for box of donuts for take away
Not only the donuts but the atmosphere of the place is just amazing. It's never crowded, there's good music and great books you can read! A lovely place for meetups.
The spirit of these donut & coffee spots is adorable, the ingredients are all natural, the service is professional, and the flavors are dreamy. Mehr erfahren
Nice selection of donuts, some frosted, some filled. There are some really interesting special flavors (Jack Daniel's...!) and like any good donut shop, you can get coffee here along w./ your sweets.
This spot specializes in using all-natural ingredients; the donuts are prepared from their own recipes without flavor enhancers. Instead of sugary-fizzy drinks, they serve cordials and milk. Mehr erfahren
É um lugar bastante confortável mas não deixa de ser extravagante!! Café muito saboroso com uma variedade fantástica de donuts deliciosos. Recomendo!!! :)
Finom fánkok.Inkább elvitelre, mert szabad asztal alig akad.Sajnos többször előfordult már, hogy bár este 8-ig vannak nyitva 6-kor már egy darab fánk sem volt.Ezt lehetne orvosolni...
A fánkok finomak, a káve pedig szerencsére nem az átlagos gépi, így az is élvezhető. A hely elég kicsi, így nem biztos, hogy egy hűvös napon kell betérni, mert muszáj lesz kint megenni, amit vettünk.
Barátságos kiszolgálás, kedves kis hely, kár, hogy pici az üzlet, így mi nem tudtunk leülni ez kicsit kellemetlen, de ezen kívül a fánk nagyon finom és jó, hogy ilyen bő választék van ☺️
Az Urakhoz szolnek: 2./3. randis helynek tobb szempont alapjan is az egyik legmegfelelobb valasztas, ha a randipartner nem glutenerzekeny vagy cukorbeteg. 😆😉 +1 tipp: az eladolanyok is elbuvoloek.😊