Steve Leonard

Steve Leonard


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Niagara Falls
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Steve Leonard
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Steve Leonard
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    "This Christmas I ask that you go out and buy a nice little gift nothing too much and give it to someone you have never seen before. Do it go on and see how great it feels this is year number 3 and 1/2"
    Steve LeonardSteve Leonard · Dezember 4, 2012
    · Niagara Falls, USA
    "One more tip for the road Don't Drink and Drive have as much fun as you can. Sneek under some bushes with your lover and do it like Nike or Home Depot, whatever makes you happy. Awwww shhh T ok one"
    Steve LeonardSteve Leonard · Dezember 3, 2012
    · Niagara Falls, USA
    "Go have a bottle of Ice Wine in the forest Chipawa Niagara Parks do I have to give you coordinates ? How about to the canal watch the boats make a last stitch effort to Gitchigumi (Lake Superior) next"
    Steve LeonardSteve Leonard · Dezember 3, 2012
    · Niagara Falls, USA
    "Ok so I have been asked what on Earth can we do we are Bored. Well one you are off to a good start as you have company hence (we). However I will keep you in mind cause I care. You could go out sorry"
    Steve LeonardSteve Leonard · Dezember 3, 2012
    · Niagara Falls, USA