Indie-rock venue Rotown, near the city centre, has a knack of featuring live acts on the cusp of making it big; but by day they run a bar and outdoor terrace. Mehr erfahren
Cool small bar - live stage with good sound. The stage is close so you can enjoy the concert but the visibility is not so good (there is a screen on the back) + it can get really hot inside!!!
Behalve muziek en bier ook serieus prima plek om 's avonds te eten voor weinig en te overleggen. Spaghetti voor €9, zuurkool met paddestoelen voor €12 is dikke aanrader. Skip de stoofpeertjes.
Rotown is a concertvenue in the heart of Rotterdam, Netherlands. With a nice 250 capacity, Rotown promotes shows by upcoming national and international talent.