Trips / Lago di Garda
Gardasee is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

1. Gardasee

(Lago di Garda)
See · 52 Tipps und Bewertungen

FilmsquareFilmsquare: The opening shot of Quantum of Solace (2008) is of Lake Garda, the camera skimming across the water at the north of the lake as we hear the engine noise of James Bond's Aston Martin DBS V12. Mehr erfahren.

Verona is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

2. Verona

Verona, Venetien
Großstadt · 103 Tipps und Bewertungen Verona has preserved a remarkable number of monuments from antiquity, the medieval and Renaissance periods, and represents an outstanding example of a military stronghold. Mehr erfahren.

Porta Borsari is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

3. Porta Borsari

Corso Porta Borsari, Verona, Venetien
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Città Antica · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen

Hala M.Hala Mezher: This was the portal where people had to pay money to get into the city of Verina

Porta Leoni is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

4. Porta Leoni

Via Cappello, Verona, Venetien
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Città Antica · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen
Porta Nuova is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

5. Porta Nuova

P.le Porta Nuova, Verona, Venetien
Denkmal · Borgo Milano · 6 Tipps und Bewertungen
Porta Vescovo is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

6. Porta Vescovo

Via XX Settembre, 150, Verona, Venetien
Denkmal · Borgo Venezia · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen

fedromialfedromial: This is the Est Door of the city: it has just restored and it's nice to see this old building. From here start one of the working class neighbourhood of the city. It's ok and there are some nice shops

Porta San Zeno is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

7. Porta San Zeno

Via Scarsellini 16, Verona, Venetien
Denkmal · San Zeno · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen
Portoni della Bra is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

8. Portoni della Bra

Corso Porta Nuova (Piazza Bra), Verona, Venetien
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Cittadella · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen
Piazza Bra is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

9. Piazza Bra

Piazza Bra, Verona, Venetien
Platz · Città Antica · 70 Tipps und Bewertungen The Bra’ (from the German "breit", meaning "broad") began to be defined as a square only around mid sixteenth century, when Michele Sammicheli built the Palace of the Honours. Mehr erfahren.

Arena di Verona is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

10. Arena di Verona

Piazza Brà 1, Verona, Venetien
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Città Antica · 269 Tipps und Bewertungen The amphitheatre was built from three concentric circles. After the heartquake in 1100 A.c. only one side of the external ring remains. It is commonly referred to as the “Wing”.

Piazza Duomo is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

11. Piazza Duomo

Piazza Duomo, Verona, Venetien
Platz · Città Antica · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Piazza delle Erbe is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

12. Piazza delle Erbe

Piazza delle Erbe (Corso Portoni Borsari), Verona, Venetien
Platz · Città Antica · 103 Tipps und Bewertungen This square occupies a good part of the area of Verona’s Roman Court, where the Maximum Decuman and Maximum Cardo intersected. The square has been centre of the city’s political and economic life. Mehr erfahren.

Torre dei Lamberti is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

13. Torre dei Lamberti

Via della Costa 1, Verona, Venetien
Denkmal · Città Antica · 29 Tipps und Bewertungen
Palazzo della Ragione is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

14. Palazzo della Ragione

Via Francesco Cairoli, Verona, Venetien
Schloss · Città Antica · 10 Tipps und Bewertungen

Radwa H.Radwa Hafez: The old city of Verona is magnificent. And the best in it that the ppl really preserved it.

Piazza dei Signori is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

15. Piazza dei Signori

Piazza dei Signori, Verona, Venetien
Platz · Città Antica · 34 Tipps und Bewertungen

Robin B.Robin Bertels: The statue of Dante Alighieri is overlooking the most beautiful piazza of Verona. Not surprisingly, the plaza is also known as Piazza Dante.

Palazzo del Capitano is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

16. Palazzo del Capitano

Piazza dei Signori, Verona, Venetien
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Città Antica · 1 Tipp

fedromialfedromial: Very nice building. It is part of the cornice of Piazza dei Signori

Die Scaliergräber is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

17. Die Scaliergräber

(Arche Scaligere)
Via Santa Maria Antica 2, Verona, Venetien
Denkmal · Città Antica · 9 Tipps und Bewertungen The Scala family arches are among the most distinguished monuments of gothic art in Verona.As early as the end of the sixteenth century the arches presented serious problems of conservation. Mehr erfahren.

Basilica di Sant'Anastasia is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

18. Basilica di Sant'Anastasia

Piazza Sant'Anastasia, Verona, Venetien
Kirche · Città Antica · 21 Tipps und Bewertungen The Basilica of Saint Anastasia is definitely the most important gothic style religious monument in Verona. Mehr erfahren.

Casa di Giulietta is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

19. Casa di Giulietta

Via Cappello 23, Verona, Venetien
Denkmal · Città Antica · 225 Tipps und Bewertungen

Shermans TravelShermans Travel: The star of the museum is the elegant bronze statue of Juliet by Nereo Costantini that stands in the courtyard, where rubbing her right breast is said to offer good luck. Mehr erfahren.

Balcony of Romeo and Juliet is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

20. Balcony of Romeo and Juliet

Via Cappello 23, Verona, Venetien
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Città Antica · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen

Dennis Z.Dennis Z.: The walls with notes of love before you see the actual balcony are so cute and amazing

Tomba di Giulietta is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

21. Tomba di Giulietta

Via del Pontiere 35, Verona, Venetien
Denkmal · Cittadella · 13 Tipps und Bewertungen Regardless of the ancient site that hosts it (the convent, which previously belonged to the Cappuccini Monks, dates from the XIII century), Juliet’s tomb as we now see it dates only back to 1937. Mehr erfahren.

Casa di Romeo is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

22. Casa di Romeo

Via delle Arche, Verona, Venetien
Denkmal · Città Antica · 13 Tipps und Bewertungen

Derek W.Derek Wilson: You can't go in but it's worth a look. The Duke restaurant next door looks great if you aren't vegetarian and was highly recommended by my local host.

Arco dei Gavi is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

23. Arco dei Gavi

Corso Cavour, Verona, Venetien
Denkmal · San Zeno · 7 Tipps und Bewertungen Around mid 1st century A.D., The Arch was built to honour several members of the Gens Gavia, an illustrious family that may have been of Veronese origin. Mehr erfahren.

Castelvecchio is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

24. Castelvecchio

Corso Castelvecchio 2, Verona, Venetien
Burg · San Zeno · 35 Tipps und Bewertungen The Scala family castle, built in 1353 and transformed into barracks initially by Napoleon (1805) and later by the Austrians, was furnished as a museum in 1925. Restored by Carlo Scarpa between 1958

Ponte Pietra is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

25. Ponte Pietra

Ponte Pietra, Verona, Venetien
Brücke · Città Antica · 35 Tipps und Bewertungen The Stone Bridge is located in one of the most panoramic and suggestive sites in Verona. It's one of the most important monuments or Roman Verona. Mehr erfahren.

Castel San Pietro is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

26. Castel San Pietro

Castel San Pietro, Verona, Venetien
Aussichtspunkt · Centro Storico · 47 Tipps und Bewertungen Amazing! Absolutely the best panorama of Verona... Mehr erfahren.

Teatro Romano is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

27. Teatro Romano

Rigaste Redentore 2, Verona, Venetien
Theater · Centro Storico · 23 Tipps und Bewertungen

Holly W.Holly W.: Old theatre, turned museum. Didn't get to go inside, so only have perspective from exterior and lovely walk by water to get there.

Punto Panoramico del Lago di Garda is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

28. Punto Panoramico del Lago di Garda

Nago-Torbole, Südtirol
Aussichtspunkt · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen
Riva del Garda is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

29. Riva del Garda

Trient, Südtirol
Großstadt · 17 Tipps und Bewertungen

Olga 🇷🇺 B.Olga 🇷🇺 Bryadova: One of the many small towns of Italy, which situated on the bank of lake Garda. Lovely and quietly place with beautiful views:))

Lungolago di Riva del Garda is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

30. Lungolago di Riva del Garda

Riva del Garda, Südtirol
Aussichtspunkt · 12 Tipps und Bewertungen

Du Lac et Du Parc Grand ResortDu Lac et Du Parc Grand Resort: The traveller who arrives on the banks of Lake Garda from northern Europe is enchanted by the view of the lake and the luxuriant Mediterranean vegetation that grows at the foot of the mountains.

Bastione is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

31. Bastione

Via Monte Oro 26, Riva del Garda, Südtirol
Aussichtspunkt · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen
Monte Brione is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

32. Monte Brione

Via Monte Brione, Riva del Garda, Südtirol
Berg · 3 Tipps und Bewertungen
Strada del Ponale is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

33. Strada del Ponale

Strada del Ponale, Riva del Garda, Südtirol
Wanderweg · 7 Tipps und Bewertungen

Chick&CoChick&Co: Old road which once linked Riva del Garda with the Ledro Valley. From there one can enjoy breathtaking panoramas for once in a lifetime photo opportunities.

Limone sul Garda is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

34. Limone sul Garda

Brescia, Lombardei
Stadt · 19 Tipps und Bewertungen

Robin B.Robin Bertels: The name Limone derives from the Latin word limes (border) and has nothing to do with limes or lemons, even though that’s what the town is best known for.

Porto di Limone is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

35. Porto di Limone

Lungolago Guglielmo Marconi, Limone sul Garda, Lombardei
Häfen oder Marina · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen

Dominika P.Dominika Průšová: Romantic place, great for beautiful evening walks

Porto Vecchio is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

36. Porto Vecchio

Via Porto, Limone sul Garda, Lombardei
Häfen oder Marina · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen

Robin B.Robin Bertels: Most picturesque place of Limone sul Garda!

La Limonaia del Castel is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

37. La Limonaia del Castel

Via Orti 9, Limone sul Garda, Lombardei
Museum · 8 Tipps und Bewertungen

Robin B.Robin Bertels: Nice little museum with all sorts of citrus trees. If you wanna know more about the lemon groves of Limone, this is the place.

Spiaggia di Limone is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

38. Spiaggia di Limone

Lungolago Guglielmo Marconi, Limone sul Garda, Lombardei
Strand · 1 Tipp
Ciclopista del Garda is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

39. Ciclopista del Garda

Limone sul Garda, Lombardei
Radwanderweg · 2 Tipps und Bewertungen
Cascata Sopino is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

40. Cascata Sopino

Limone sul Garda, Lombardei
Wasserfall · 1 Tipp

Robin B.Robin Bertels: A couple hundred meters off Via IV Novembre at Hotel La Limonaia. Very steep climb!

Fähre Limone-Malcesine is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

41. Fähre Limone-Malcesine

(Ferry Limone-Malcesine)
Malcesine, Venetien
Boot oder Fähre · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Malcesine is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

42. Malcesine

Verona, Venetien
Großstadt · 26 Tipps und Bewertungen
Porto di Malcesine is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

43. Porto di Malcesine

Piazza Guglielmo Marconi, Malcesine, Venetien
Häfen oder Marina · 4 Tipps und Bewertungen
Castello Scaligero is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

44. Castello Scaligero

Via Castello 5, Malcesine, Venetien
Burg · 15 Tipps und Bewertungen
Funivia Malcesine - Monte Baldo is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

45. Funivia Malcesine - Monte Baldo

Via Navene Vecchia 12, Malcesine, Venetien
Seilbahn · 33 Tipps und Bewertungen

Robin B.Robin Bertels: The world’s first cable car with a rotating cabin. Be early, as even with online tickets, the wait can be as long as 90 min.

Funivia Malcesine - Stazione Monte Baldo is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

46. Funivia Malcesine - Stazione Monte Baldo

Tratto Spino, Malcesine, Venetien
Seilbahn · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen
Monte Baldo is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

47. Monte Baldo

Monte Baldo, Ferrara di Monte Baldo, Venetien
Berg · 23 Tipps und Bewertungen

Robin B.Robin Bertels: No doubt the best panoramic view of Lake Garda and surroundings.

Pieve is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

48. Pieve

Pieve, Lombardei
Dorf · 1 Tipp

Robin B.Robin Bertels: Must visit! From the shores of Lake Garda, take the spectacular Strada della Forra in Tremosine to reach this hidden gem, offering jaw dropping views over Lake Garda.

Bond's Crossing (Quantum of Solace) - Lago di Garda is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

49. Bond's Crossing (Quantum of Solace) - Lago di Garda

Via IV Novembre (Via Benaco), Tremosine, Lombardei
Kreuzung · 1 Tipp

Robin B.Robin Bertels: The car chase in the opening scene of Quantum of Solace was partly filmed here.

Strada della Forra is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

50. Strada della Forra

Via Benaco, Tremosine, Lombardei
Straße · 1 Tipp

Robin B.Robin Bertels: The 8th world wonder according to W. Churchill, this breathtaking road connecting the shores of Lake Garda with Pieve di Tremosine takes you through gorges and along cliffs for a spectacular ride.

Terrazza del Brivido is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

51. Terrazza del Brivido

Viale Europa 19, Pieve di Tremosine, Lombardei
Aussichtspunkt · 7 Tipps und Bewertungen

Robin B.Robin Bertels: Probably one of the most spectacular views of Lake Garda. A must visit if you’re in the area.

Sirmione is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

52. Sirmione

Großstadt · 55 Tipps und Bewertungen
Porto di Sirmione is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

53. Porto di Sirmione

Piazzale Porto, Sirmione, Lombardei
Häfen oder Marina · 25 Tipps und Bewertungen

Amit G.Amit Gaharwar: Marvel at the stunning views of the lake in the backdrop of the Sirmione castle.

Castello Scaligero is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

54. Castello Scaligero

Piazza Castello 34, Sirmione, Lombardei
Burg · 91 Tipps und Bewertungen

Aigerim A.Aigerim Abdulayeva: Great for visiting in winter, so silent, you really can enjoy all the architecture and walking around. In summer full of people, you are just like a fish in a tan

Grotte di Catullo is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

55. Grotte di Catullo

Via Catullo, Sirmione, Lombardei
Historische und geschützte Stätte · 20 Tipps und Bewertungen

Amit G.Amit Gaharwar: Right at the edge of the Sirmione peninsula. Absolutely stunning views of the lake.

Desenzano del Garda is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

56. Desenzano del Garda

Brescia, Lombardei
Großstadt · 23 Tipps und Bewertungen
Torre di San Martino della Battaglia is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

57. Torre di San Martino della Battaglia

Via Torre 2, Desenzano del Garda, Lombardei
Denkmal · 6 Tipps und Bewertungen

Rus N.Rus Newton: Long walk up, and quite hot at the top but decent view and interesting museum on WW1 halfway up.

Porto Desenzano is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

58. Porto Desenzano

Piazza Giacomo Matteotti 15, Desenzano del Garda, Lombardei
Häfen oder Marina · 1 Tipp
Faro di Desenzano is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

59. Faro di Desenzano

Leuchtturm · Keine Tipps oder Bewertungen
Castello di Desenzano is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

60. Castello di Desenzano

Via Castello (Via Rivali di Sopra), Desenzano del Garda, Lombardei
Burg · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen
Castello di Arco is one of Trips / Lago di Garda.

61. Castello di Arco

Via Castello 10, Arco, Südtirol
Aussichtspunkt · 14 Tipps und Bewertungen

Joris E.Joris Evenepoel: Place that looks like a still from the Lord of the Rings movies :)