Cool :-), dieses Gebäude ist ein echtes Highlight, hier kann man stundenlang fotografieren, aber Achtung, die kl. u. gr. Absätze in den schiefen Ebenen übersieht man dabei leicht. ;-)
Guided tour in English is strongly recommended. For 100 NOK you will see the inner space of the theatre (costumes production, decoration factory, ballet school for children etc).
Epic architecture with a great mix of glass and wood design. Great cafe to have a drink and recharge. Interesting sculpture in the water just outside the building.
Avoid the 100kr tickets, they are cheap but offer a bad view of the show (especially the ones on the sides of stage). BTW building's architecture is amazing and the quality of the plays is superlative
The building is meant to resemble a floating iceberg. It's designers deliberately intended for its structure to "open towards the Oslo fjord" and invite people to climb it. Don't miss the top view!
We ain't got nothing like Paris, Vienna or La Scala in Milano. But we have this. Beautiful Scandinavian design. This is what the rest of the world look to for inspiration. I love going to the opera.
Maravilla arquitectónica! Esas líneas, es una nave que encara la bahía. Mucho encanto en la parte de atrás, donde se ven trajes y pelucas, el taller de costura. Hermoso
It was near the sea with an amazing view.500mio eur has been spent for the building,acoustic of the walls1400 people capacity,60 people work at costume workshops for the performances.Take 50mins tour.
Really amazing. If you are an architect, you are admired by every detail. incredible! Especially the roof's. If there is any activity at opera saloon, don t miss it.
Pek çok mimarlık ödülüne layık görülen bu yapının tepesinden baktığınızda sol tarafınızda ortaçağ Oslosu, sağ tarafınızda Akershus kalesi yer alır. Binanin iç mimari özelliklerini görmeden ayrılmayın!
Essiz manzara, muhtesem mimari + program mutlaka kontrol edilmeli, varsa denk gelen opera/bale kacirilmamali//architecture and vision are awesome but please do not forget to check performances' prg.
Бюджет составил 4,5 миллиарда норвежских крон. Торжественное открытие состоялось 12 апр 2008 г при участии короля Норвегии Харальда V, королевы Дании Маргрете II, президента Финляндии Тарьи Халонен.
Een prachtig gebouw. Het staat nog wat vreemd innzijn omgeving, maar als alle gebouwen eromheen (Munchmuseum, bibliotheek) af zijn, dan is het een fantastisch geheel.
Very nice, original architecture. You can walk litterall all over the building. I love the shape and the wooden construction inside. Location is awesome too. I always go there when in Oslo!
A modern Oslo landmark, definitely worth visiting. Go for a walk on the outside sloping italian marble walls rising up from the water. Enjoy a play or a concert inside. Or opera, of course..
Free wifi and interesting architecture. However, a construction site surrounding the building really interrupts the appreciation...Their concerts look pretty well-made.
Don’t want to go in? Don’t worry the outside is just as beautiful to enjoy as the inside. Best view if anything is to take a ship out and view it afar.
Interesting architecture, the marblestructure and the path to roof is breathtaking. You can enjoy a sandwich by the seaside but be aware of the seagulls!
This is a amazing construction coast about 50 Million Euros for the Marmor Stone. Nice View only minus is that arround this Building is a construcion place....