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Nicole Saenz

Nicole Saenz


Downingtown, PA
  • 2 Tipps
  • 35 Anhänger
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  • Pittsburgh
  • Philadelphia
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Nicole Saenz
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Nicole Saenz
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1 Ort einschließlich Little Fish
    "Be careful with the spice meter. I can tolerate spicy-spicy food, and number 3 was making me teary-eyed! But it was oh-so-good!!"
    Nicole SaenzNicole Saenz · Mai 7, 2013
    · Pittsburgh, USA
    "Come on Sunday for their five-course menu tasting. I recommend making a reservation since they only seat the restaurant twice at 5:30pm and 8pm. You won't be disappointed!"
    Nicole SaenzNicole Saenz · Oktober 29, 2012
    Fisch & Meeresfrüchte
    · Philadelphia, USA