Einfach Klasse! Nicht nur Kinder sondern auch Erwachsene kommen auf ihre Kosten. Das Restaurant mit offener Dachterrasse bietet leckere Speisen + super Ausblick.
The rooftop view was absolutely amazing! Worth the trip here just for it. The science center is mostly ideal for children but that doesn't stop the adults from learning a thing or two as well.
Great place for kids .. 2.5 hours is very OK to spend here. if you want to see and touch all you will need a bit more, if you have question all people are very willing to help and explain
Interesting museum full of fun stuff for kids and adults. The roof terrace is free and offers an amazing view of Amsterdam and some more fun things for the kids to do. It also has a nice canteen
Çok güzel etkinlikleri olan, çocukların sadece eğlenmeleri için değil, gelişimleri için de çok faydalı bir müze. Türkiye’de örneklerini görmüştük, ama buradaki muhteşem
Интересней для детей! Много интересных экспонатов чтобы посмотреть, попробовать и поиграть! Взрослым не всем будет интересно. Но крыша шикарна! И на неё можно пройти прямо с улицы, без посещения музея
An exciting family activity. In the museum they educate visitors about the wonders of science in the most fun way possible. Try to get to the rooftop terrace for a beautiful city view.
Eğer okul Yaşında Çocuğunuz varsa muhakkak uğramalısonız. I Amsterdam Card sahipleri ücretsiz giriyor. Normal giriş 15 euro. Harika bir eğlenceli bilim müzesi. Müze satış reyonundaki ürünler güzel.
Le centre fait penser à la cité des enfants de la Villette - c'est sympa et encore plus si vous parlez néerlandais ou anglais pour les explications ! Moins adapté aux jeunes enfants (moins de 7ans ?)
Rooftop terrace with breathtaking view on the city (for free!) and the museum is superb! Just stop in coffeeshop before and u can play all day here like a child! The lockers takes 50 cents.
Awful, crazy place. If you would like to visit a school where teachers abandoned their job, where kids are screaming, yelling, crying - it's a perfect place for you. And minimum useful information...
Touch play touch try experience! A fun science museum, more like a kindergarten with experiments! Only for adults feeling kids! And kids of all ages! Take photos from the rooftop!
Если плохо, или наоборот, все хорошо с физикой, то вам сюда. Все можно трогать, крутить, смотреть и познавать. Еще есть комната, где проводят химические опыты. Очень интересно и стоит посетить.
Nice place for grown ups, but for smaller kids might not be that much interesting. There are 5 floors of exposition, but once you make it, you realize that you remember just a few of them.
Great way to spend the day!! We started with lunch on the rooftop terrace and spent hours inside. There was something for everyone and our ages ranged from 12 - 48.
In tegenstelling tot veelal uitgesproken is de vorm van dit gebouw in essentie niet ontworpen zijnde een schip. Het idee huist in de locatie direct boven de IJtunnel; Met deze vormt het een spiegel.
Üniversite öğrencilerine bile indirim yapıp, 4 yaşından büyük bütün çocuklardan tam ücret almak gibi saçma bir ücret politikası olan, ancak 4 saat vakit geçirmemize rağmen, gezmeye doyamadığımız mekan
Bellissimo museo progettato da Renzo Piano, è interessante soprattutto per i bambini. C'è una terrazza davvero spettacolare da cui si può vedere tutta la città!
Essenzialmente un museo pensato per i bambini con percorsi interattivi molto curato. Un adulto, in linea di massima, si annoia, tranne nell'ultimo piano dedicato al cervello.
At NEMO Science Museum you can discover how science and technology make everyday things special. Explore five floors full of experiments, demonstrations and workshops.