Altstadt is one of Croatia/Zagreb.

1. Altstadt

(Stari Grad)
Zadar, Zadarska Županija
Wohngegend · 29 Tipps und Bewertungen

Sandra S.Sandra Sandra: Very nice city with Kalelarga and Sea Organ.

2. Park Maksimir

Maksimirska cesta (Bukovačka cesta), Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Park · Maksimir · 55 Tipps und Bewertungen

Senja V.Senja Vild: Beautiful and super big park with a small lake in the middle. Near the city center, very close to the zoo. Amazing getaway.

3. Jarunsko jezero / ŠRC Jarun

Jarun, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
See · Jarun · 27 Tipps und Bewertungen

AlexAlex: Lovely lake. Good place to relax.

Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog | Zrinjevac is one of Croatia/Zagreb.

4. Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog | Zrinjevac

Trg Nikole Šubića Zrinskog, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Platz · Donji Grad · 54 Tipps und Bewertungen

Dora G.Dora G: If you're Iucky enough to be on Zrinjevac at Christmas time, you'll experience something perfect. Real Christmas spirit. Advent in Zagreb is really beautiful✨

5. A Most Unusual Garden

Horvaćanska 3, Knežija, Grad Zagreb
Cocktailbar · 21 Tipps und Bewertungen

Dario M.Dario Miljković: One of mine the most favorite place. Nice and relaxing atmosphere, awesome live performances, very nice and polite staff.

6. Sljeme

Park Prirode Medvednica (1033 m), Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Berg · Gračani · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen

Predrag Š.Predrag Šuka: Good trails, routes, view, slopes, nature. Close to town & public transport.

7. Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu (HNK)

Trg maršala Tita 15, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Theater · Donji Grad · 22 Tipps und Bewertungen

Balsha M.Balsha Maja: Very nice old and rich building, excellent plays, great way to lean about Croatian art and theater.

8. Jazz Café

Stjepana Ljubića Vojvode 26, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Café · Trešnjevka – jug · 18 Tipps und Bewertungen

Meg K.Meg K.: My fav place to have my weekend coffee of just easy weekday night. Little and cosy, with friendly stuff.

9. Juice&Juice

Masarykova 26, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Saftbar · Donji Grad · 16 Tipps und Bewertungen

Anett F.Anett Fóris: Nice service. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Totally worth it.

10. Britanski trg

Britanski trg, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Platz · Tuškanac · 15 Tipps und Bewertungen

Anna S.Anna Sophie: Must see if you visit Zagreb. Every day from 8 am - 15 pm but you should go early because so you get the freshest fruit and vegetables.

11. Trg kralja Tomislava

Trg kralja Tomislava, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Platz · Donji Grad · 29 Tipps und Bewertungen

AlexAlex: Beautiful horticultural french garden with magnificent gallery building. Nice chillout with different attractions over the year such as ice ring. Great view and dog friendly.

12. Bundek

Bundek, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
See · Središće · 25 Tipps und Bewertungen

Ivo S.Ivo Spigel: Nice place for a walk or bike ride (early morning when it's not crowded).

13. Galerija Klovićevi dvori

Jezuitski trg 4, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Museum · Gornji Grad · 17 Tipps und Bewertungen

Luka M.Luka Marčec: At the of Picasso' exhibition, this place was on a very high level of refinement. Amazing interior.

14. Trg bana Josipa Jelačića

Trg bana Josipa Jelačića, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Platz · Gornji Grad – Medveščak · 84 Tipps und Bewertungen

Mario L.Mario Lučić: Prejeben pogleda s nebodera :))) tower city view amazing! Costs 20 kuna and drinks are cheap! :))))

15. Tkalčićeva ulica

Ulica Ivana Tkalčića, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Fußgängerzone · Gornji Grad · 27 Tipps und Bewertungen

CroSkiCroSki: A street with small cafe bars, pubs and restaurants - a great place to sit down with friends, relax and enjoy your tea, coffee or beer watching the world go by. :)

16. Cvjetni trg

Trg Petra Preradovića, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Platz · Donji Grad · 34 Tipps und Bewertungen

Daisy P.Daisy Perez Esparza: right in the middle of the city, great place for shopping, coffee and gelato

17. Puntijarka (Planinarski dom Ivan Pačkovski)

Sljemenska cesta 4/5, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Wanderweg · Markuševec · 22 Tipps und Bewertungen

Sasa S.Sasa Skevin: Cheese strudel

Corner bar is one of Croatia/Zagreb.

18. Corner bar

Augusta Cesarca 4 (Kurelčeva ulica), Zagreb, Zagreb
Weinbar · 24 Tipps und Bewertungen
Lari & Penati is one of Croatia/Zagreb.

19. Lari & Penati

Petrinjska 42a, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Restaurant · Donji Grad · 58 Tipps und Bewertungen

Anna M.Anna MyWellTraveledFriend: The Soy and Orange wings are fantastic and the staff are even better. So kind and friendly a real taste of Croatia's warm hospitality.

20. Gornji grad

Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Historische und geschützte Stätte · 11 Tipps und Bewertungen

AlexAlex: Has good architecture and a good view over the city.

21. Palainovka

Ilirski trg, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Café · Gornji Grad · 18 Tipps und Bewertungen

Maxim a.Maxim arty: One of the best in town. Meeting point for locals. Perfect coffee, nice garden. Out of crowded area.

22. Kamenita vrata

Kamenita ulica (Jurja Habdelića), Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Historische und geschützte Stätte · Gornji Grad · 7 Tipps und Bewertungen

Hrvoje L.Hrvoje Labura: Stone Gate is one of the best preserved monuments of old Zagreb. It is a building shaped like a rectangular tower with vehicular passage. They were built in the 13th century.

23. Tržnica Dolac

Dolac, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Bauernmarkt · Gornji Grad – Medveščak · 50 Tipps und Bewertungen

GenieGenie: Great place for cheap and fresh farmers market produce. We bought fresh cherries, raspberries, and nectarines for a fraction of what they would've cost in the US

Strossmayerovo šetalište is one of Croatia/Zagreb.

24. Strossmayerovo šetalište

Gornji grad, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Aussichtspunkt · Gornji Grad · 12 Tipps und Bewertungen

Iryna O.Iryna Okseniuk: You should try everything. #Beer is very cold : that's all what you need in #Croatia

25. Strossmartre

Šetalište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Fußgängerzone · Gornji Grad · 10 Tipps und Bewertungen

FabioFabio: good atmosphere and relaxed, open-air concerts in summer

26. Ribnjak

Ribnjak, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Park · Ribnjak · 5 Tipps und Bewertungen

Mathieu G.Mathieu Guastella: Nice park for a picnic :)

Zoološki vrt Zagreb is one of Croatia/Zagreb.

27. Zoološki vrt Zagreb

Maksimirski perivoj, Zagreb, Grad Zagreb
Zoogehege · Maksimirska naselja · 17 Tipps und Bewertungen

Inti K.Inti Kos: Excellent relaxing place, new animal habitats are very nice, can't wait rest of them to open. Visit childrens ZOO, tiny goats are very friendly!!