Naomie Chervil

Naomie Chervil


Dublin, Ohio
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Naomie Chervil
3 aktualisierte Orte
3 Orte einschließlich Grand Central Terminal, Junior's Restaurant, Starbucks
Naomie Chervil
8 aktualisierte Orte
8 Orte einschließlich Gorden Farms Condos, Starbucks, Junior's Restaurant, Grand Central Oyster Bar
    "Luv luv this place...the bars, restaurant, shopping lots of shopping most of the subway r connected...the 5 pm rush I just luv being @ central...check juniors cheese cake and the oysters bar the best"
    Naomie ChervilNaomie Chervil · Oktober 13, 2012
    · New York City, USA